Me: Derek is just...a nuisance.

I huffed and ran a hand through my pony, releasing a heavy breath as we texted back and forth and I walked over near Rebecca's locker.

Totally subtle, Lila.

Cam: Did you say Derek? What's the full name??

Me: Why?

Cam: Is he a Greyson?

Me: Um. Yes...

Cam: No way, you're getting cozy with my cousin of all people?!

The surprising information in his statement made me almost drop my phone but I only stumbled and managed to regain my balance quickly.

"Oof!" I knocked into someone and stumbled, hardly managing to catch myself.

This, my dear friends, is why you should walk while looking at the ground and not your phone.


I swallowed my apology as I saw Rebecca to be the one I crashed into. Quickly pocketing my phone and realizing that her bag and its contents were now on the floor, I hurried to help her out.

We both bent down and I noted her eyes looked a little red, her nose pinkish.

She must have cried.

The implications of the observation somehow made relief sweep me into its cold embrace.

"Sorry about that."

Hazel eyes met mine for a brief moment and she smiled, "No worries. I'll get it myself, thanks."

The hallway was now cleared and mostly silent, almost everyone having filed away to their respective classes. Feeling the sun on my face and wishing I was wearing less clothes than my slim fit blue jeans and a red-checkered shirt, I turned so the sunlight wouldn't hit me directly in the eyes.

Despite her words, I still helped gather the wayward pages, books, pens and—


The envelopes held in my hand bore a very, very familiar seal.

I stared at it, perplexed and my brows dipped as I saw it back to front only to come to to conclusion that yes it was indeed the same kind of letter I received.

Was she by chance the one who delivered the letters to me?

It isn't like it never occurred to me to try finding out the middleman but it was useless and too much work that would bear no results.

But now suspicion dug its claws inside of me and I gave in to its incessant call.

The feel of the envelope, the cover, the paper, the color, the seal. It was all exactly the same.

I knew because I had the impressions glaringly seared into my mind, into my memory.

Except Rebecca Atkinson was the mentioned receiver.

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