'Hush now Ann don't speak of these things, this sounds like fade magic and you can't talk about that here.' She said with a firmness to her voice. 

Atish'an frowned. 'Why?' He asked. 

His mother couldn't help but sigh at her sons innocence and naivety, and she offered him a weak smile pulling the child against her. 'If you talk like that people will think you have magic, and you know what they do to children with magic don't you?' She asked. 

Atish'an nodded his nose crinkled at the thought. 'They take em away.' 

'You don't want to be taken away do you?'

Atish'an teared up at the thought and shook his head aggressively. 'No! no ma' I want to stay here with you forever.' his mother laughed although the sound was soft before she picked him up and carried him off the bed to a small table in the middle of the room where a bowl of mush sat steaming. 

'Eat up Ann and no more talk of dreaming, we have work to do today.' She said as she placed the child down in a wobbly wooden chair. 

Atish'an nodded as he began to spoon tasteless goop into his mouth rocking on the chair that was dangerously close to collapsing under his weight. His mother sighed placing one hand on the back of his chair and the other on his shoulder, her eyes clouded and her brow furrowed. This was now the third time her son had mentioned something strange about his dreams and everyone knew that was the first sign. She might not have worried so much if he hadn't also said that he was speaking to his father a few months ago, a man that had been dead since Atish'an was only three. She whispered a short pray to the maker as her son finished off the last of his food licking the bowl before pushing it aside an jumping off the chair smiling brightly up at her, and she smiled back placing her hand on the top of his head. There was no way a someone so sweet and pure could be corrupted by a demon, and so if the boy ended up a mage she would hide him, keep him close and make sure no one could take him from her. 

'Ready to get to work my love?' Atish'an's mother asked. 

'Ready!' The boy replied. 

Atish'an radiated such a pure energy that his mother found it hard not to laugh and smile along with him, even with times so hard he managed to be a shinning beacon that would lighten the Alienage. Atish'an opened the door while his mother carried out a large basket fill of washed and dried clothes. Unlike many other elven women left without their husbands she managed to keep herself afloat with a business, and it may not have been the most glamorous thing but it was enough to keep a roof over her and her sons head in those hard times. The woven basket was heavy and blocked her view as they walked to the side of the house, Atish'an holding her shirt to lead her to the wash basket and clothes line. She set the basket down in a small pull kart placing he hands on her hips, the basket was almost too big and if pulled to fast they were going to fall out.. it may be better if she delivered them herself but if she did she would have no time to wash the basket of dirty ones sitting still in the house. She glanced down at Atish'an who was staring up at her beaming and practically bouncing in place, and she smiled softly. Ever since he had been able the boy was so willing and eager to help her, she often wished he didn't have to, that he could just go off and play with the other children, but alas there world was not so simple and with his recent nightmares that may have just been a good thing. 

'Remember the route? take all the clothes to each house and make sure they give you a copper when you do.' She said. 

Atish'an nodded enthusiastically. 'I remember! it's okay I can do it ma.' Atish'an replied taking a hold of the karts handle. The wooden kart came up to his waist and with the basket inside it towered over the boy and wobbled slightly as he pulled it through the mud. The wheels squelched as they left a trail behind them and the sides trembled as though struggling to keep everything inside. Atish'an's mother stared down with worry as her boy struggled to pull the kart out of a particularly stubborn area of mud  but there was little choice in how they could run this business. 

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