a hidden secret

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Izuku yagi x fem kirishima/eimko Kirishima

Izuku yagi story

So you know those music story's where izuku leaves for a week or 2 with eri and or whatever Ship while the class finds his music collection the next day and they show what he feels or what he has been doing while he was away from the tormentors,

Think of that but, instead of all that

What if he never went to u.a but he knew/dated someone that does. What if He had run away but never came back, what if he left for good intentions because he felt himself losing control. Y? because thats how he is.


Izuku has manifested a quirk. He had runaway from the neglect and abuse from both friends and family for being quirkless and has been living away from them because his quirk could make him go haywire cause of his emotions since his quirk could cause him to attack the yagis cause of how they treated him(before).  After he had runaway, The tormentors regretted what they have done and try to look for him to apologize and, make it up to him. Izuku's aunts and uncles found out when they asked for help and were pissed. Years later in u.a, second year. emiko seemed to dislike the group, especially katsuki but Mina thought she just had a crush on him.

Izuku owns a underground club which was given to him by his mother when she passed away who he been living with. She was an owner of a secret underground club that acted as some sort of neutral zone for villains but normal civilians can come in to. It's called purgatory.

His mother found him in an alley by her club beaten and bloody and quickly helped him. This small action changed both of their lives for the better. This wasn't after he had runaway.

Katsuki goes to confess to her while mina follows for tea and blackmail. He knocks but gets no response. He does it again while the class comes also. Mina gets impatient with katsuki and gets a key she has apparently since katsuki is trying to be nice and win her over by not yelling like usual. They go inside and see how it was which amazes them since she didn't exactly allow anyone in. As they look, they find a picture of her and a mystery person in a amusement park that shocks Izumi, katsumi, and shoka. They immediately look around until someone accidentally knocked the flash drive out from behind the picture which gets their attention, Izumi brings it out to see what it has to find out how emiko knows izuku. See how the girls will react to emikos secret relationship and why she hates the group. The teacher will find out where izuku has been but not the exact location. They will also find out about his secret quirk and see his reason for why he has runaway.

(Instead of only just songs, there will recorded tapes saved on an flash drive showing izukus and emikos time together and with some tapes that reveal his time with his mother Anna. Reason why she has it is because it's a copy of the original in case anything were to happen to the first one as the files are important to him as it's the last thing his mother gave him with the usb stick. I won't make the music and the tapes together but as separate video files for most of them.)

Quirk: Cerberus

The quirk gives increased speed and strength with heightened senses such as hearing, sight, smell, and reflexes. They can manipulate and generate hellfire that could theoretically reach up to 10,000c. He can breath fire also. He has high regeneration. He can transform into a 25 feet tall wolf like creature That is about 2.4x stronger than ofa from izumi if she could fully control it at 100%(but she can't)

Drawback: if users emotions are not in check, it can make the user more feral or more prone to attack people, especially those that harm them.

Added Drawback because of abuse: he has 2 split personality's that try to take over control. (This also helps explain the reason for the 3 heads)

Perfect by Ed sheeran
Demons by imagine dragons
Monster by imagine dragons
Whatever it takes by imagine dragons
Let it all burn by fabvl
Warrior by 2wei (Anna will sing this for izuku and asks izuku to fix it up for her since she isn't good with music herself)
Warrior by imagine dragons(although izuku said that her song was fine as it is, he still would fill the request)
Hollywood's bleeding by post Malone

(These are Not all the songs that I have in mind and not all the songs listed will be used, this is mostly to serve as an example in a way)

-story name can use work

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