My First Day

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Luz pov

I woke up before my alarm clock went off . I never wake up earlier than my alarm clock. I think it is because I am excited for my first day of school. It is 5:30 in the morning right now. I was supposed to wake up at 6:00 but I was too excited. I decide to get out of bed and get ready. By the time I was ready mom was telling me to wake up. I ran downstairs.

"Did you wake up early". My mom looked surprised to see me ready this early in the morning. I guess because I never like to wake up early. "Yeah I woke up a little earlier than I was supposed to". I tell my mom. My mom finishes making me breakfast. So I just sit down and eat. While I am eating King was sitting right next to me. King is my brother. He is really nice. I finish eating. After that I get my stuff ready then my mom drives me to school. 

I get out of the car and say bye to my mom and just walk inside. I could not find amity so I just went to my locker and stayed bye there until school starts. There were a lot of people that were giving me looks. Boscha and her little group walk by me. Even Amity was with them. "Oh look guys it's Luz the loser". Boscha says while her whole little group is laughing at me. Amity was even laughing. "What did I ever do to you". I say to Boscha. "Oh you did nothing. You just don't deserve anything" Boscha says while pushing me to the ground. "Just leave her alone It's not our fault she  is a weirdo, loser, and an idiot". I was then really shocked when I heard Amity say that as they all walked away from me. I got up from the floor and started walking to class since it was about to start. I was never expecting to see Amity like that. My whole life she was always nice to me. I know her parents are really strict and hate me. Maybe she does actually hate me. I guess I was stupid for thinking that we were starting to get close again. I get to my first class and Amity,Boscha, Skara, Brianna and Stella are in my classes so that is just great. The teacher now gets everyones attention. "Okay class today we have a new student her name is Luz". Mrs. A says to the whole class. The whole class starts laughing after Mrs. A said that except these two people in front of me. "What is so funny. She is a new student. I don't think she would like people laughing at her." Mrs.A said to everyone that is laughing. After that class just started. For the rest of the day people were staring at me and laughing. 

It is finally lunch time. I have no one to talk to so I am sitting all alone. I just still do not get why Amity was being nice to me 2 days ago and today she is not being nice to me. I go in the bathroom and then when I get out I see Amity. "Hi Amity".  Amity does not look happy with me. "Stay away from me. I can't be around you. My parents are right about you. Now I know why everyone hates you." Amity says to me. I just couldn't believe her right now. "Why are you being so mean Amity". 

"I have changed and you are the same weirdo that you have always been". Right after she said that she walked away. She really has changed. I started to cry a little. The bell ringed. I went to my next class. 

School is finally over for the day.The school day was fine I guess. Even with everything that happened. Mom texted me saying that she won't be able to pick me up from school on time because she has to work a little later today so I just told her I would walk. I started walking home. My house is not that far away from here. It was a five minute walk. After I finally get home and get inside and see my brother. King takes the bus with his friends. King is always waiting for me when I get home from school since he gets home first. King always cheered me up when I was sad. I just sat down while waiting for my mom to get home. While I wait I read my favorite book. The Good Witch Azura. It has always been my favorite book. Amity also reads it. I don't know if she still does or not. I really have to get Amity out of my head. It still hurts knowing that me and amity probably won't be like how we were 3 years ago. My mom finally gets home. "How was school Luz?" My mom asks me. I just replied saying "It was okay I guess". I knew my mom could tell I was about to cry. 

"What happened."

"Remember when Amity moved schools in 6th grade and She stopped answering my phone calls. Then I said that Amity probably hates me now." She gave me a nod. "It turns out I was right. Today she was with Boscha, Skara, Brianna, and Stella. They are all not nice. I tried talking to Amity today but she told me to stay away from her and other things." I explained all of that. 

"Maybe you should just stay away from her then. If her and her friends do anything to you  just let me know. Besides that how did it go." I don't even know what to tell her. I know that I should tell the truth. I never really lied to my mom before. "Everyone hates me. Everyone was looking at me. Just like how it was at my old school. But most of my teachers are really nice so I am happy with that."  I tell my mom. "People just don't really know you." That is true. Maybe I should just actually tell Boscha and her friends to leave me alone. My mom went to start making dinner so I just went up to my room.

I might not have any friends but that is okay. I have my mom and King. People in this world are just not that nice. I am just going to have to deal with it. I start my homework before I forget to do it. I just do not get why people hate me so much. Switching schools will not help anything. People at my old school also hated me. All that matters is that I am being myself. I was always taught to always be myself and never be someone else just to make yourself look good because if people don't accept the real you it is fine. Someone out there will accept you for who you are. My dad taught me that. He did a very long time ago. He died years ago. I don't really remember him that well. Eda knew my parents. 

I finished up my homework and put it in my backpack. I just went back downstairs since I had nothing to do. When I got downstairs my mom was already done cooking dinner. 

"You're just on time. The food is ready."

I sat down at the table. King sits next to me as always. Then mom just talks to us about random stuff.

After I finished dinner it was 9:00 pm so I said goodnight to Eda and started to get ready for bed. Since school is tomorrow.


So this is the third chapter. I tried to make it a little longer this time. 

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