Chapter XXXIII | Graduation Present

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CW: Sexual Content (consensual)

"Wakey wakey, death breath!" was all the warning Bexon was given before Max pulled open the curtains in his dark room. Bexon let out a groan and quickly pulled the blankets up over his head, blocking out the world around him.

Max was not having it though and he jumped up onto the bed and crashed down on top of him.

Bexon was just trying to have a nice afternoon mid-morning nap, yet, he was slowly crushed by sunshine itself.

"Ow! Maxwell, what the fuck?!"

"You wouldn't wake up," Max explained as if it were just a fact of life.

Bexon was not in the best mood at the moment and kicked his boyfriend off the bed before actually getting up to get a shower. Bexon left him there muttering something on the ground when he left the room.

Today was the day he had to go to his graduation ceremony and he didn't wanna go. Grace was the only reason he was going to the stupid thing. It wasn't the people there that bothered him. He didn't like crowds, but they also didn't make him nervous like he was at the moment.

When Max told him that he was going, Bexon wanted to slap him. Bexon knew if Max and Grace teamed up it would mean he would not be able to weasel his way out of anything.

Distracted in his thoughts he hopped into the shower, quickly regretting it when the ice-cold water hit his skin. He should have waited until the water warmed up, but he didn't.

After the suffering was done he wrapped a towel around his waist and walked back to his room. He had no idea what he was going to wear but knew that if he didn't at least try Grace would make him change. He found his suit with a black tie strung over the hanger with it.

He dropped the towel and changed into one of his favorite boxer briefs, black with rainbow skeletons decorating them. When Bexon turned he nearly jumped, he didn't even notice the sleeping blond on his bed.

"Maxwell, what are you doing?!" Bexon yelled.

Max sat up nearly falling out of the bed and Bexon had to suppress a laugh. Max was dressed nicely with a yellow button-up that paired well with his summer-tanned skin and the black dress pants he had on. It looked good on Max, however, Bexon didn't understand the point of bright or colorful clothes.

It hurt his eyes.

"I was waiting for you to get done in the shower," Max sleepily replied. "We need to leave soon, Grace made it very clear that if we were late she'd kill us both."

Bexon shook his head at his boyfriend, but he knew he was right about Grace. Bexon pulled him off his bed and pushed him out of his room.

"Fine, now get out you perv," Bexon muttered.

Max started to protest, but Bexon learned early on that when you slam a door in front of someone's face they shut up quickly.

Bexon got dressed in his blacker than black attire and brushed his hair back with a little gel on the way out of his room.

Max sat waiting for him in the living room, looking through a manga Hadley had laying on the coffee table.

"Moore, time to go!" Bexon shouted. "And I am driving."

Max got up and followed him out the door. "Only if I get to pick the music," Max commented.

"Fine," Bexon sighed.

The drive there was silent over the blast of 2009's greatest hits. Bexon still didn't want to be going, he didn't want anything to do with the ceremony. He had already graduated and only saw it as a pointless socially draining task.

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