Chapter XXXII | New Homescreen

Começar do início

Max knew Bexon hated his picture being taken and he would just delete them as soon as he got a hold of Max's phone.  So Max did what any good boyfriend would do and ran away from him to the park.

Bexon continued to yell after him in the distance while he tried to catch up to the blond.  Bexon wasn't used to running, only on the few days Grace managed to drag him outside, but even then Max wasn't sure if they actually ran or not.  For all he knew they just walked around the block a few times and Bexon complained for most of it.

Max managed to get up one of the brightly colored slides and to the house-like structure that it was connected to.  Max quickly flicked through the pictures and sent the two he liked the most to Grace praying to whatever god or goddess would listen to him.

[ Before Bex murders me, save these!! ]
[ Image Sent ]
[ Image Sent ]

Grace 🔮:
[ AWW so cute! ]
[ Saved them 😊 ]

Max put his phone back in his pocket and looked around for the angry short man.  Bexon was nowhere to be found.  Max considered he just got frustrated and he walked back home, but Max had a feeling he was somewhere close.

The afternoon sun would wear him out soon enough and Max knew that Bexon was practically a vampire about the sunlight in the summer.  He hated it and wouldn't stay out for long.

As if right on cue, Max heard footsteps coming closer and closer.

"Maxwell Shit-Head Moore, get the fuck down here!" Bexon yelled.

Max was glad there weren't kids around because his boyfriend had no filter.  Yet, he couldn't help but think how he was the one the neighbors complained about, he wasn't fully sure he believed that.

"Why should I?" Max questioned.

Max looked over the monkey bars wondering if he could still hang from them as he did when he was a kid.  Max remembered when a teacher had to be pulled off of them before he passed out.  Dares were a dangerous thing for elementary school Max.

"Because I fucking asked nicely," Bexon yelled at him.

Max laughed.  He did not understand how that was the "nice" way of asking but he figured why not have some fun while he was there.  It wasn't every day he went to the park or that Bexon went outside during the daylight hours.

Max crawled over to the monkey bars and crossed over them until he was in the middle.  He managed to get his legs over the bars and then he let his hands drop, nearly falling.  He might have forgotten how difficult it was, and how the bars kinda hurt against his legs.

Bexon found him and walked over, no longer looking pissed off, but rather amused at the upside-down man that was his boyfriend.

"Max, what the hell are you doing?"

Max did his best not to fall off.  It might not have been a far drop if he did, but he would rather not end up breaking something just in case.  He did that before once, and it was embarrassing explaining to a doctor that he broke a toe while hanging upside down on playground equipment.  He was eighteen at the time and very much did not want a redo at twenty-one.

"Trying to kiss you," Max complained.

It was the best his mind could think of at the moment and he had nothing to lose so he pushed his luck.  Bexon just shook his head and looked up at Max's shaky legs.

"You're going to fall, you do realize that."

Max did in fact know that, but he was not going to say so.  Instead, he knew his boyfriend liked his voice and liked it when he cursed so Max rolled with it and said the first thing that was on his mind without filtering it.

And They Were Housemates ✓Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora