"I'm not gonna get them both yet though, I can tell you're exhausted" Wil said, keeping his tone calm, "I will be right back though, I do need to tell them both you're awake so they can both stop worrying, don't worry I won't be long at all" he said, letting go of Technos hand and getting up. "Oh-ok" Techno stuttered, clearly on edge. "It's alright, if you need something to keep your mind occupied then count to 20 over and over again until I get back, you can tap your fingers together as you count if it helps?" Wilbur said before leaving. Techno did as Wil told him as he counted up to 20 whilst tapping his fingers to his thumb as he counted, keeping the tapping in rhythm. For some reason he was finding this calming, he liked it, it was keeping him occupied from his thoughts.

"I'm back, see I wasn't long at all, are you ok?" Wilbur asked, closing the door behind him before sitting back down. Techno nodded, stopping the counting. "Wanna hold my hand again or are you alright?" Wil asked, holding his hand out. Techno liked holding his hand, it reminded him that someone was there for him if he started freaking out but it also made him feel like a kid and, he was not a kid. Wilbur watched as Techno hesitated before zoning out, after a few seconds he put his hand back down and sighed. "What's up?" he asked. Techno shook his head, clearly not wanting to answer. "Want me to leave you to rest or do you want me to stay with you? Your choice completely" Wilbur said with a small smile. "I don't know, s-sorry" Techno said quietly. "It's ok don't worry, put a thumbs up if you want me to stay or put a thumbs down if you want me to leave" Wilbur said.

Techno hesitated, clearly thinking about it before he put a thumb up. "Want me to stay?" Wilbur asked, watching as Techno nodded whilst putting his hand down. "B-but if you want to leave then you-you can" Techno quickly said. "I'm glad you said that because imma be honest I don't want to leave you alone, I have no idea what you could be telling yourself right now in your head" Wilbur said, leaving his hand open on the bed in case Techno needed it. "W-what do you mean?" Techno asked, clearly slightly offended but Wilbur kept his tone the same. "Sorry, I didn't mean it in that way at all" he lied as Techno nodded before sighing and zoning out, *he thinks I'm incapable of taking care of myself even though that's the only thing I've been doing my whole life since no one else had even bothered too until now I guess*. "Y-you don't need to take care of me y'know" he said out loud.

"I know, I'm sure you're very capable of taking care of yourself but sometimes you need help, that's where we come in, like when you were in the bathroom, you didn't think you needed help did you" Wilbur said calmly. "I-I didn't, I-I was telling Phil to-to leave me" Techno argued. "Techno-" "I didn't need help" Techno said sternly, suddenly feeling tears in his eyes. "It's ok" Wilbur said, watching as Techno slowly started to break down again. "S-stop saying that" Techno said as he took the covers off him and sat up straight, "s-stop telling me that I-it's ok and everything's ok-ok because it's not- nothing is ok nothing is ever going to be ok" Techno quickly said as a tear dropped and landed on his cheek before racing down his face.

Realisation then set on his face as he looked at Wilbur in fear. "I'm-I'm sorry I didn't mean to-" he said before watching and flinching at Wilbur's movement. Wilbur didn't say anything as he very slowly lifted his hand towards Techno whilst smiling. Techno was confused as he slowly took his hand anyway. Wilbur then slowly brought both their hands down and rested them on the bed before he gently stroked the back of Techno's hand with his thumb, "you're angry I can see that, it's ok to be angry, it's ok if you need help and it's ok to get help even if you think you don't need it ok?" He said, his voice staying in a relaxed state, "Techno I don't want to argue with you, that's the last thing I want, if you want to say something then say it if it helps you get it out of your system, say all your thoughts if you want, it's alright". Silent tears rushed down Technos face as he listened to Wilbur's relaxing voice before whispering a quiet and shaky "sorry, I-I didn't mean to lash out like that I'm sorry".

"Don't apologise or blame yourself for any of what has happened today because none of it is your fault, you're innocent Techno, you're alright" Wilbur smiled at him, "you're still angry I can see it in your face, you're also scared, you don't need to be scared, you never have to be scared ever again, especially when you're with me, I will say this over and over again that I will never ever hurt you and I'm here to protect you if you feel like you need it" he explained more, not finishing there, "if you feel like you're starting to panic then tell me and I'll help, if you ever feel like you're about to do something you'll regret then tell me and I'll help, if you ever feel lost or maybe you just need help with something then I'll help. If it wasn't clear by now, I am here to help you" Wilbur finished with a smile.

"I-I don't know what to say" Techno said shakily. "You don't have to say anything, do you want anything or do you wanna do anything?" Wilbur asked. Techno shook his head even though he did want one thing, he wanted a long comforting hug that truly reminded him that he's safe. "How're you feeling? And you don't have to lie to make me or even yourself feel better" Wilbur said. Techno paused, *what do I say, am I ok? I am ok, aren't I? Yes, I'm fine* he thought, "I'm fine" he said clearly as the last tear dropped from his eye. "You're crying, you're not fine" Wilbur said calmly. "I'm-I'm not crying" Techno said sternly, wiping his eyes. "Techno" Wilbur said, making them both make eye contact. "Do you wanna talk about anything?" He asked. "I-I have nothing to talk about" Techno said with a small sigh at the end. "You have too much to talk about for only being 16 Techno" Wilbur said, a slight bit of concern in his voice.

Techno wanted to scream and cry until his voice broke, he wanted to cause as much damage to himself as possible and he wanted to beat the living shit out of anyone who had wronged him. "I hope you don't mind me asking but what has actually happened to you in the past" Wilbur asked, aware that what he had asked would be a very big thing for Techno. Techno looked at him with wide eyes as waves and waves of memories appeared in his mind, replaying like a music box with no limit. "W-well erm" he started, his voice already very shaky, "I have been to a few homes in the past but there's erm" he said before taking a deep breath, "there's one that really erm- really did damage" he finally got out before already regretting what he had just said as he looked at Wilbur with the same terrified expression. "Don't look at me like that you're doing good don't worry" Wilbur smiled at him.

*I can't say anything else, what if he gets mad and decides he doesn't want me anymore, what if he tells Phil and Tommy and it makes them mad then-* "Techno breathe, you've zoned out again" Wilbur said, leaning in slightly. "S-sorry I'm sorry I should stop" Techno quickly said as he closed his eyes tightly. "If you want to stop then you can but please, if you want to explain what you've been through then you can" Wilbur said with a reassuring smile. Techno nodded, he wanted to blurt everything out but felt silenced as the voices started piping up, *"DONT TELL HIM" "TELL HIM" "Welp this is it..." "E" "It's ok tell him" "You need to tell him" "Wilbur!"*. A new yet not-new-at-all voice suddenly woke Techno up, "Techno look at me". Techno opened his eyes and looked at Wil. "Take a deep breath in" Wilbur instructed, "and out". Techno nodded as he did what Wilbur told him to do. "Good now again, in... and out" Wilbur said, doing hand motions to help. "Keep doing that until you feel like you can breathe" he said with a small smile.

Techno nodded as he closed his eyes. "Keep your eyes open if you can, I notice you keep panicking when you've got your eyes closed for too long" Wilbur calmly said. Techno nodded as he stared at his hands and focused on his breathing.

Sorry for leaving it off here, the chapter was getting too long...

2403 words

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