"Fucking dumbass!" We left him and continued on to get our food.

 "What the hell is your problem?!" Some girl ran up to me. "He scared you. Big fucking shit. You jump. You don't try to bash them in their face!"

 "I'm not sure whether to bash you in your face, or call you mom." I shook my head and  started to get food again, but then she grabbed me. I turned around and backhanded her. "Touch me one more time." I threatened.

 She poked me. "Touch."

 I poked her back. Only a little harder. "Pathetic."

 She tried to hit me, but I blocked and smacked her across her face. "Ow! You little bitch!"

 "What was that?" I twisted her arm behind her. "Really. Say that again." I pushed. She shook her head. I pushed her into the wall. "That's what I fucking thought."

 "Gosh. You're so mean." Ethan came over and nudged me a little bit.

 "Go to hell." I stated.

 "Ouch. That hurt, brown eyes."

 I rolled my eyes and finally started getting some food on my tray. "It will hurt if you keep it up with the nicknames." Jess commented.

 I tried not to laugh. Ethan stared at her for a minute. "We gotta get you laid."

 I started laughing. "Uhh. I don't need any help in that area." She replied.

 I shook my head, smiling. "Y'all knock it off." I grabbed some fries and a hotdog, and a bowl of fruit, such as strawberries, banana's, and grapes. I could die for some grapes right now. I grabbed some chocolate cake and chocolate milk and water. I felt like I was going to want more than this, but there wasn't really anything else I wanted. Oh! Grilled cheese! I cut in front of some dude and grabbed one. I'm too fat to be this skinny. I started eating some grapes on my way to the table. Ethan sat down next to me. I turned to him. "I hope you know you're not getting in my pants."

 He smiled and shrugged. "If I just wanted you for sex, I would've gave up by now."

 "Yes, because all playing assholes will give up so soon."

 He laughed. "I've been with better."

 "You're lucky I don't hit you for that."

 He shrugged. "I'd just hit you back."

 I gave him a confused look. "Most guys wouldn't hit a girl." Jess stated.

 "I'm not most guys." He stated while taking one of my fries and throwing it into his mouth. "Plus, it's not like I'd hurt her."

 "Touch my food again and you'll lose your hand."

 He smiled. "Well, I don't want to have to go all the way bac just to get a couple fries."

 "Well, then you should've gotten them before, dumbass."

 "I swear to God, Amber, if you keep hitting me." Dumbass came up and sat by Jess.

 "Then stop fuckin' sneaking up on me!"

 "You didn't have to beat u Ali too!"

 "She shouldn't be putting her plastic nose in my ass!"

 "Wow. That's –"

 "Oh, just shut up and eat your food, Dumbass!" Jess snapped. I smiled a little bit when he mumbled to himself and went to eating his food. She elbowed him in his side. "I'm right next to you, I could hear you!"

 I shook my head. "Would y'all just shut the fuck u and eat?"

 Ethan was grinning a little bit at everything. I, honestly, found it a bit funny too, but I wasn't going to show it. They'd just start yelling that it's not funny. Jess would yell me to hit him again or she would, and dumbass would start telling me to control my friend. The things I go through on a pretty much daily basis gets annoying after so long. But then again, anything would.

 I started stuffing my grilled cheese in my mouth, slapping Ethan's hand after seeing it try to get another one of my fries. "Touch my food, and I'll fucking chop off your hand." I warned him, with a mouth full of grilled cheese. Dumbasses around here, I swear!


 Ok! So I know I didn't update when I was supposed to. But you would NOT believe my fucking week. So this is last weeks update, and Wednesday I will update for that time like I'm supposed to. I am so so sorry. I just couldn't... Please understand

The Badgirl's DaughterTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon