Uma Thurman

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   I slammed my fists down on my computer. "Ugh!"

"Whoa now. Why the violence?" Jess asked.

"This paper is due tomorrow and I can't get anything fucking written! I don't know how to start it."

"Start with a word."

I turned around to glare at her. "If you're not going to be helpful then can you please shut up?"

She shrugged. "At least I'm trying!'

"No, you're being sarcastic."

She made that cat noise to say I'm being bitchy and did the kitty claw. I rolled my eyes. "Seriously though, take a break. Maybe it'll help. Let's go get some candy."

I looked between her and my paper for a minute before getting up, shoving a few dollars in my pocket, then walking out with her. "So no Darren today?"

"Nah. He's gotta work on the same paper."

"Oh fun." I said, sarcastically.

"I know right? I hate school."

"Well, this isn't exactly a Nerds in Lockdown camp."

"I can't WAIT till we're out of here!"

"Me either."

"Hold on a second." She pulled out her phone and called somebody. "Hey daddy! I just wanted to say Happy Father's Day, and I love you! Yes, I know I missed it, I'm sorry! Happy fourth of July too!"

"Fuck." I mumbled and pulled out my phone.

"Yes, dad. That was Amber. Amber, dad said hi."

"Hi dad." I replied. My dad picked up. "Hey dad! Happy Father's Day, and uh, Fourth of July. I love you!"

He laughed. "Aww, thanks. I love you too. I'll just forget you missed Father's Day." He replied.

"If it helps, Jess missed it too! Changing subject though, I wish I could be with you."

"Heyyy!" Jess yelled. I ignored her.

He laughed again. "Me too. How's the school going?"

"It's going pretty good. How's mom?"

"She's good. She's at the store right now."

"That's good. And alright."

"Yeah. Oh hey, she just pulled up. I'm gotta go help with the groceries. I'll talk to you later. Bye."

"Bye, dad! Tell mom I love her and I said Happy Fourth."

"Will do."

We hung up. Jess turned to me. "We need to go to a candy store."

I opened the doors to the cafeteria. "Yeah, well the vending machine here will just have to do."

"Ugh. But it doesn't do!"

"It has Hersey's. Shut up."

"Bite me."

"I have before." I stuck my dollar in the machine and got a normal Hersey bar. Fuck, I love chocolate.

"Ugh, don't remind me."

"It's not my fault you're dumb enough to tell me 'I fucking dare you' when your pissed.

She rolled her eyes and put her dollar in. I started snacking on my candy, and went over to pull a bottle of water out of the fridge. These were actually free. Thank God. "Anyways. I'm super bored! Let's do something!"

I stood there for a minute, thinking. "Well. What do you want to do? Because I don't know."

I don't care!" She yelled.

"We could go up to the dorms roof and tan?"

She gasped. "POOL!!"

"Oh yeah. We have all this shit and I just forget." I laughed.

"I know, right?" We gotta get our swimsuits." She grabbed a water from the fridge and we started walking out.

"Have we even been in the pool at all since we were here?"

"Once." She said with her mouth full of Skittles. "We usually just go to the lake."


"So, we gonna get to back to the dorm. Change. Then pool. Kay?"

I laughed. "Okay."

"Beat you!" She started running.

"Oh, no fucking way in hell!" I started running after her. Out of the three of us, I was the fastest. Thinking about the three of us... Where's Zack? She threw open the dorm house doors and ran in. I ran in right after her, and made it back to the room before her. "HA! I FUCKING BEAT YOU!" I yelled.

"Bitch." She cussed under her breath.

"Wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle." I wiggled.

She smiled and rolled her eyes, shutting the door behind her.

"We need a party." I stated.

"We need to get you a hook up."

I rolled my eyes. "I don't need any help getting a hook up."

"You need a lot of help."


"Oh shush. Now there's a lot of hot guys around here. Pick one."

"What the fuck??? I could get my own guy, Jess. I've been doing it since I was 12."

"Those weren't exactly hook up's though."

"No. But if I could get guys attention back then, I could certainly do it now, thank you."

She put her hands up a little bit. "Okay, okay. Point taken. I'll leave it alone."

"Thank you."

"But if you don't have anyone by eleven tonight, I'm hooking you up with someone. I'll stay in Darren's dorm so you have some privacy." She walked out the door before I even had the chance to respond.

I stood there dumbfounded. I cannot believe her sometimes. I laid back on my bed and thought about who to hook up with. I ended up thinking about all the girls who's about thirteen and not a virgin though. I mean, I was just starting to learn to get guys' attention back when I was twelve, doesn't mean I did anything with them anytime around then. I didn't start doing anything until I was about sixteen. Even then, I didn't exactly start having sex. I was with a guy for over a year before having sex. I was seventeen. I'm almost eighteen now. Gosh. Thinking back, life went by fast. But of course, it doesn't go by fast at all when you're in the present and not thinking back.

I put on my head phones and started rocking out to some music. "I can move mountains, I can work a miracle, work a miracle. Oh, oh, I keep you like an oath, May nothing but death do us part. She wants to dance like Uma Thurman, Bury me till I confess. She wants to dance like Uma Thurman, And I can't get you out of my head." What happened to going to the pool?


     So I know I haven't updated in a while, but in my defense, life went to hell and I just didn't have the energy, and then when I did, I had no motivation for Wattpad, Period. And it was like I had writers block (Which you may notice in most of this chapter). But I am going to try to finish this book within three weeks (God prayin' I'll be able to), because I'm going to be moving in with my boyfriend and he doesn't have internet. It's going to be hard to update my other books, but I don't want to worry about this one. Y'all, nor this book, deserves it. So I really hope y'all like this chapter, and thank you for not killing me=) 

          You guys really are great fans. A few of you have asked me to update. So thank you for actually sticking with me throughout this book. I really like this book too<3

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