Yu Yuan: "..."

If Louis himself had the same virtue as his tentacles, he would have to beat the octopus.

【I'm so cute! ! ! 】

【Ah, ah, ah, please ask the official speed to sell the same peripherals! 】

[Although I still don't know who this Louis is, but I have forgotten M]

[It must be Louis who died sweetly in the refill 55555]

[Testers will send NPC objects, right? I'm going to apply for TAT]

The rain kept falling in the sky, as if it was going to continue like this until the whole city was submerged. Yu Yuan put on the hood on his cloak to keep out the rain, and just picked up the wine barrel to find someone, when he heard a shout from the street corner.

"Yu Yuan!"

Hei Changzhi, who led Alice away, was also nearby at this time.

She ran over out of breath, her body was soaked from the rain, and as a teammate, she could see that half of her health bar had dropped, and there were still signs of recovery after being injured. "I just led Alice here from the other side to pull it off. I was worried about whether you would have enough time, but I didn't expect you to come out too."

"The duke's head is here." Yu Yuan gestured to her with the barrel of wine, "I found some new clues at Anderson's house..."

He poured out the information about the Duchess' belief in the evil god, the suspected existence of seven people in the Anderson family, etc. The two continued to analyze while rushing to the suburbs in the rain.

"Seven people?" Hei Changzhi recalled the previous information, "but didn't all we inquired about six people before, they kept one hidden at home?"

"This is just my guess based on the painting, but if it's really seven, it can match the number of us - Bai Cai, don't forget that the ghost corresponding to the hospital you are in is not Alice, that means It may correspond to the seventh person, or more seriously, what the seventh person did is the culprit that caused the family to fall apart."

Hei Changzhi actually raised a suspicion before. If it was just "the Duke had an affair", would it really overwhelm such a family? Enough for the murderer to beheaded, but also to burn everyone in this family to death? Even if they now believe that Mrs. Anderson cut off her husband's head, it may be because "an affair" was the straw that broke the camel's back, not the only reason.

"There were two traitors in this family first, and then one." Since that one is the duke, "two" combined with the lady's language should refer to the two brothers.

"Yu Yuan, that... I've always had a guess before, but I didn't tell anyone," Hei Changzhi suddenly said, "Do you remember? About what we heard before - the Anderson family are what kind of person."

No matter six or seven, in the eyes of nearby residents, there are only six people in this family.

Externally, many people say that the Duke Anderson family has lived a very successful life. It can be said that it is a model of a happy family. The Duke has a high position and a good appearance. The wife comes from a big family and is amazingly beautiful. The four children are also good in their own way. Miss Mary had long been engaged to the son of a wealthy businessman, and if it weren't for this horrific fire, they would still be an envied family.

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