Chapter Thirteen | 1980

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"Wake the Asset."

"Yes sir."

"And the girl. I want her too."

"Sir, she hasn't been out of cryo for fifteen years now. I'm not so sure how she'll respond."

"I don't care." Vasily snaps. "I want her awake. I'm sending them to Russia in three weeks."

"Right away sir."


"Where are we going?" I ask, gazing up at Winter as I hold his metal hand.

"Russia." Winter mumbles.

"Will you take me somewhere romantic?" I smile as Winter huffs.

"Soldat." Vasily calls him forth.

He hands him a folder. "Your target."

Vasily then dismisses us.


I sit in Winter's lap on the jet. My hands tangle in his dark hair as I rock against his hard on while I kiss him fiercely. His hands hold my hips so tight there's sure to be bruises that'll match the ones from last week. I revel in his anger, loving every second of his frustration as he rips my clothing and slams me down on his thick cock. I let out a broken moan as he grips my throat and squeezes until my vision is nothing but black dots.

My job is to please Winter. I love him unconditionally and I'd do whatever he asks of me. It's my life purpose. I let him use me whenever he needs.

When Winter finishes, he tosses me aside on the jet couch and I leave to straighten myself up. Winter goes over the file he was given. His target is a high-level Russian official. He's staying at a Hotel named Inessa and Winter and I just so happen to have a room there. I grin to myself, excited for tonight when Winter will most likely need me again. I'll always be here to please him.

When we get to the hotel, Winter tells me to go to a different room than the one we have. I return to our room three hours later, seeing a woman in a robe leaving the room. I know Winter takes other women as his lovers sometimes. I don't care because I know they can't please him like I do. They aren't made for him like I am.

After he fucks me until I can't see straight while shoving a gun down my throat and muttering degrations in my ear, his target is coming up the stairs. He slips from the room, dressed in his tactical gear. I hear gunshots and shouts and cries of pain. When it's silent, I exit the room and find Winter holding his target up by his neck. There's six other bodies laying on the ground around him. Winter's gaze flicks to mine as he snaps the man's neck and lets him crumble to the ground.

"Winter." I whisper sensually as I caress the side of his face and gently turn his head.

His gaze fixes on the young man at the end of the hall who's trying to get his room door to open. His hands are so shaky he can't even fit the key in the lock. I smile as I watch Winter raise his gun.

The man sobs as he turns and puts his back to the door. "Please, please, I didn't see anything. I promise. Please! Please—"

The sound of Winter's gun going off silences the young man.

I squeal as I run up to Winter and jump on him, my legs around his waist while my arms go around his neck. The kiss is sloppy and full of pent up passion.

"We need to leave." Winter mutters against my lips as he drops me on my feet and strides for an exit. I run after him.


"Vasily hurt me." I whisper in Winter's ear late in the night. "He touched me where you have and I begged him to stop."

Winter lets a low growl loose as he strides from our room and stalks down the dark halls in search of the one man who could take me away from my Winter.

I follow Winter down the twisting halls until he reaches Vasily's office. He kicks in the door. Excitement runs through my blood.

"Soldat!" Vasily yells as he stands from behind his desk.

Winter raises a gun and shoots Vasily in the shoulder as he pulls me into his side. "Mine." He growls at the man.

I smile sweetly at Vasily.

Men come running into the room and grab Winter and I, pulling us away from each other. Winter becomes feral as I scream and try to run back into his arms. Vasily comes up from behind and hits Winter over the side of the head. He goes limp.

"Don't touch him! He's mine, don't you touch him!" I scream and a cloth is held over my mouth until I begin to lose energy. I fall unconscious.

"What the fuck!" Vasily yells as he clutches his bleeding shoulder. "Put the Soldier on ice, the girl goes to isolation. And someone bring me the bastard who programed her mind!"

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