Chapter Two | 1944

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Madame Vera is a complete bitch. For the past month, I've danced till I threw up, passed out, or until my ballet shoes soaked through with the blood from my feet. Maria mends to my sore and bloodied limbs every night.

I suspect something is going on between Maria and my father and I find that I don't mind. Perhaps it's a good thing I can't remember my mother. Maria is a wonderful, caring, and kind woman. I can tell by the way my father looks at her that she's special to him.

My ballet lessons have been brutal. Father says balance and agility are important skills to have with the life we lead. In two months I am to be taught how to wield a knife. In five months I am to be taught how to handle a gun. I've been training in hand to hand combat and taking hours out of my day to dance with Madame Vera. I started five days after I woke from my coma. I dance for three hours before breakfast, two hours after lunch, and three hours after dinner. The hours in between ballet are spent helping my father with his latest invention or in the gym with a punching bag.

Viktor said it was better to jump back into training sooner rather than later. I didn't first understand why all this was necessary but I've come to learn that my father has many enemies. Viktor said the first thing they'd go after is family so I must be prepared to defend myself if the need arises.

"Evelyn." Viktor's voice breaks me from my thoughts and I send a final punch to the swinging bag.

"Yes?" I ask as I look up to spot my father on the sky walk that circles the gym.

Viktor smiles proudly at me and motions me to join him. I quickly unwrap my bandaged fists and throw the white cloth into the nearest waste basket before grabbing my water bottle and follow after Viktor. I hurry up the stairs that take me to the sky walk and continue straight until I hit Viktor's office to find him sitting in his chair. I stay quiet as I round his desk and pull myself up to sit on it.

"I was watching you for a while, your skills have improved my dear." Viktor smiles and I return the grin. "Maria was wondering if you'd like to visit the gardens with her?"

"Of course." I respond quickly.

"Good, now go shower. You smell like wet dog." Viktor chuckles and shoos me from his office as I laugh and make my way to my room.

"These weeks with the girl have made you soft."  Maria says as she steps out of the shadows from the corner of the office.

"She has a vibrant spirit. It reminds me of someone but I can't quite place the name." Viktor smirks teasingly as he spins in his chair and opens his arms for Maria.

She scoffs at his invitation and pushes his hands away. "The day I sit in a man's lap is the day I've lost my dignity."

Viktor snorts with a small smile on his face as he stands from his chair. "So dramatic my dear." He grins as he forces Maria into a hug.

"Look what you've done Viktor. I can see my dignity slipping away." Maria gasps.

"From a simple hug?" He looks down at her with a raised brow and a boyish grin.


"Perhaps you need hugs more often."

"Perhaps I'll shoot you if you don't let me go." Maria counters as Viktor laughs and finally releases her and falls back into his chair.

"You better get going, our daughter is getting ready for an evening out with her mother." Viktor smirks.

"She is not our daughter and I would never settle for a scoundrel like yourself." Maria sneers playfully.

"You wound me my sweet Marie." Viktor pouts as he places a hand over his heart.

"Grow up." Maria scoffs as she turns to leave the office. 

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