Chapter Six | 1946

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I unlock and open the door slowly. Maria follows behind me and closes the door. I look to James who lays on his bed with his flesh arm under his head. With his metal arm he's tossing a tennis ball up in the air. I notice a bruising around his eye and his jaw.

"Sorry for the whole tryin' to choke ya out thing." James says unapologetically as he catches the ball and throws it back up in the air.

"That was really heartfelt, thank you."

"Who are you?" James asks Maria who simply leans against the wall with her arms crossed and stares at James.

"Sorry I asked." James grimaces as he catches the ball and rolls it in the palm of his hand as he sits up.

Maria pushes off the wall and takes something out from her back pocket. It looks like a chip holder— Maria stabs James in the arm with it.

"Son of a bitch!" James shouts as Maria takes the device out of his arm and walks back over to the wall. "What the hell!" He demands.

"Tracking device." Maria answers simply.

"Haven't seen you in a few days." James addresses me as he rubs the spot over his arm where the chip is now buried in his skin.

"You tried to kill me."

"I wanted to test a theory to see if I was being watched or not and I got my answer so thank you for participating." James smiles as he places the tennis ball on his bed and stands up.

He moves to take a step toward me and Maria stands straight. "Sit down." She orders.

James stops and stares at Maria. They share a look and James slowly sits back on the edge of the bed. I'm surprised he listened. I look back to see Maria relaxed again. She leans against the wall with her arms crossed over her chest, the position making her muscles flex. She's wearing a grey t-shirt that shows off her beautiful sleeve tattoo. Her long hair is braided tightly and rests over her shoulder. I get why my father is attracted to her, she's absolutely gorgeous and has a dangerous but sexy aura about her.

"She has questions for you," Maria speaks up, "You're gonna sit there and answer them without being a dick, got it?"

"Yes ma'am."

"I'll be right outside." Maria tells me before slipping out the door.

"She's not one for bullshit, huh?" James smiles.

"When were you born?" I ask as I click my pen.

James stares at me for a minute before letting out a sigh, "March 10th, 1917."

"Full name?"

"James Buchanan Barnes. Friends call me Bucky."




"George and Winnifred Barnes."


"Four of 'em."

The questions went on and he answered each and every one of them. When I was done with the list I was given, I head for the door.

"Ain't gonna say anything to me?" Bucky asks.

I turn to him with a smile. "Thank you for your participation." As I leave the room I hear his laugh.

Hours later I'm in gym with Marcel when I get distracted by Bucky just strolling past the long glass window of the hall. Why is he out of his room? I'm distracted enough to let my guard down and Marcel lets out a curse when his fist connects with the side of my ribs. The air is knocked from my lungs as I fall onto my back with a hand on my side.

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