Chapter Three | 1945

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During the months leading up to this year, I became familiar with the sound of screams. I continue to fall asleep and wake up to them. Father continues to tell me it's the Americans that our agents have captured. He says many of the men who scream deserve what they are being dealt. The first few months of the screams were unbearable. Now, however, the screams have become background noise in my head. Maria and Viktor seem to have grown closer and closer over the months. I am waiting for my father to tell me that they are official but the wait is aggravating.

Sometimes for months on end I am alone while Viktor and Maria freeze in their cryo pods. During said months I train with knives, guns, and hand to hand combat until I pass out. I try to perfect myself until they are unfroze. I was told they freeze so they may live to see years beyond their lifetimes. The cryogenic chambers help my father and Maria stay young. I only know of eight agents who have the right to the cryogenic chambers. They are people who have full clearance and are top agents of Hydra.

"Again?" Marcel asks me as I smile and raise my wrapped fists.

When my father and Maria are in their cryo pods, I tend to spend my time with Marcel. He is a loyal agent, three years older than me and has been a part of Hydra since he was six. Even when my sorta family is out of cryo, I still find myself searching for Marcel's company. He is a wonderful friend to me.


"We found him buried in the snow half dead. It's still unclear how he even managed to survive from such a fall at that height." Regina, a lab doctor, informs Viktor and Maria.

"What are the worst of his injuries?" Maria asks as she side-eyes Viktor who stares at the unconscious man with a confused expression.

"When he came in a few weeks ago he was on death's doorstep. Most of his spine was severely damaged and has been replaced with vibranium. His left arm was not salvageable. We stored him in a cryogenic pod while I had my best men working on a new arm for him. As you can see, the cybernetic arm is a temporary replacement until we can create a properly functional limb."

"Why are we wasting money on this man. He looks dead already." Maria asks as she crosses her arms and looks to Regina.

"It is not my place to question orders." Regina replies.

"Zola is heading this project?" Viktor's brows furrow further.

"He believes this man is a good candidate for the WSP. I myself don't see how this man could possibly survive through the training, let alone the memory suppressor but it was Zola's wishes for him to survive and that is what I am making sure of."

"Has he been awake since he arrived here?" Maria questions.

"No, I figured it best to have him be conscious when he is not in a fatal position. The stress that would be induced from such a traumatic experience as he has been in would only counter our attempts to heal him. He will be put back in cryo until we have a functional arm for him. The time in cryo will help his body to regenerate as well."

"Viktor? Are you alright? You're being unusually quiet." Maria says as she rests her hand on his shoulder.

"I know this man." Viktor replies. "He was part of the 107th. The American soldiers who were captured in 1943. He was one of the men we experimented with."

"That might explain how he was able to survive the fall from the train. The 1943 experiments could have possibly enhanced something within him allowing him to retain some kind of superiority to normal men." Regina nods.

"That's why Zola wants him to survive. He already has an advantage over the other men who have died during the Winter Soldier trials." Maria says.

"I think with a bit of time and money, we could turn this man into a brilliant asset for Hydra." Regina adds.


As I walk through the halls, bored out of my mind, I stop in front of the lab doors. I peer in through the windows in the double doors and out of curiosity I push them open. My gaze is immediately drawn to a cryo pod in the back of the room. There's a small square glass window covered in frost but I can see a man through the ice. The only reason I know this man is still alive is the soft beeping from the heart monitor mounted on the wall beside the pod. The name under the heart monitor is made up of four words.

Sergeant James Buchanan Barnes

"Evelyn, what are you doing in here my dear?" Viktor's voice sounds and I startle.

"I'm sorry but I got curious." I say with a guilty expression and my father smiles.

"Will this man be part of the WSP?" I ask.

"Yes. We have high hopes for this subject."

"Why is he in cryo freeze?"

"His left arm had to be amputated. Our scientists are working to create a functioning replacement limb for him. We're putting a hold on any further subjects for the WSP until Sergeant Barnes is awake. We'll test him and put him through various trials. If he is a match for the program then I want you to help move his training along."

My eyes go wide and stare up to Viktor to see if he's joking. The look on his face is nothing but serious and I suddenly feel as if a large weight has been dropped on my shoulders.

"You can't be serious. You want me to lead this project? I-I have absolutely no experience—"

"My darling," Viktor laughs as he places his hands on my shoulders, "You'll be working beside me and I'll teach you everything you need to know."

"It would be an honor." I smile and Viktor grins and pulls me in for a hug.

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