Chapter One | 1943

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I sit up with a groan and press my hand to my forehead. I knew I shouldn't have trusted that guy, whatever his name was. He must have spiked my drink at the bar. God I hate men. I blink several times to try and clear my vision and take in my surroundings.

I'm in a simple, plain, small room with four bare white walls. No furniture. No windows. No way to tell what time nor day it is. There's a metal door at the end of the square room and I scramble to my feet and run over to try and pull open the door. Tears spring to my eyes as I struggle with the door that's clearly locked. As I feel the first tear run down my cheek I begin to pound on the door and scream for someone to let me out.

I back away from the door and slide down along the wall as I gasp for air. Ragged breaths leave my parted lips as panic rises in my chest. The white paint is too bright, the smell of damp air is too potent, the walls are closing in. Getting closer and closer until I can't breathe—

The sounds of latches and locks are undone and the heavy metal door creaks open. My body locks up in fear as a man steps through the door. The man smiles softly at me. Why is he smiling? Why am I here? Where is here? What goddamn day is it?

"I know this all must be incredibly confusing for you my dear. Come," The man extends a hand, "Let me explain."

"Whoever you think I am you got the wrong person just please let me go I swear I won't tell anyone just let me go." I beg through my tears.

"So you are not Evelyn?" The man raises a brow.

"How do you know my name?" I whisper.

"Oh, I know plenty about you. Your mother and father and brother, all deceased. House fire many decades ago which means you should be long dead right now. It's one of the reason you are here. I must know how you manage to avoid aging. It's incredibly fascinating."

"How do you know about my family?"

"All in due time my dear." The man smiles.

"What day is it?" I remember to ask.

"October, 1943."

"I asked what day."

"Knowing the date will not help aid you darling." The man says as he walks over and grips my arm and pulls me to my feet.

"Who are you?" I demand as the man pulls me along with him out of the room and into a long hallway.

"My name is not important."

"Where are we going?"

"You ask too many questions."

"I was kidnapped! I'd like to know what's going on!" I raise my voice as he drags me into a new room.

"Unfortunately we don't have much time my dear. I have but a few hours until I must go back to my cryostasis chamber until next year."

"Your what?"

"Hush now." He says as he pushes me into a metal seat and binds my wrists to the arms of the chair with leather cuffs. Despite my struggles, this man is much stronger than me and I'm left helplessly strapped to the chair.

"Are you a serial killer?" I ask.

He laughs. He actually laughs.

"Oh, my girl, you are a funny one." He chuckles as he rolls out a machine and my eyes widen as my struggles continue tenfold.

"Wait, let's talk this out! Please don't do this!" I exclaim as my head is yanked back and I'm staring into a woman's eyes.

"This is for your own good my dear." He says as he hooks me up to the large machine as I pull against my restraints.

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