To you, my love: i miss you.

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When I'm with you, I feel like I'm flying.
It's so smooth.
There is some turbulence sometimes but it's nothing that we need to worry about.
Even if it's just over text, I feel like my heart makes erratic movements in my chest whenever I see your name on my screen.
I've listened to the voice memos you've sent me a shocking amount of times in the last day.
You'd probably laugh and say
'I love you so damn much'
And I'd say
'I love you more'.
My heart is sinking into my chest, I miss you so much.
You're the main source of light in my life and I'm like a flower in winter.
Craving sunlight when I'm surrounded by cloud.
I miss the way you look at me. And when I catch you staring, the smile and the blush that appears on your cheeks.
I've never felt like this for anyone.
Crying at 1:17am because I don't know when our last conversation is going to be.
I'm probably going to cry right now writing this.
I wish I could tell you all the things I'm thinking, but I'm a coward.
I don't like sharing my feelings.
I want to but I don't want to make myself vulnerable.
Vulnerable to your love.
Vulnerable to your raw, uncensored devotion.

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