When you look at me

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When you look at me,
Do you think of her?
Do you think of the way her hair sits just right,
Do you think of the way her eyes sparkle like little candles amongst the dimmest of frames.
Do you think of how her pace is always so delicate, like she's walking on glass.
A fresh pained window and not shards of glass that stab into my heart.
Me and her are no different.
We always style our hair to perfection even when we know it's going to get ruined.
We both cry acid rain when someone tells us the cruellest phrases.
But she is completely different to me.
She has captured your heart
And I haven't.
She has kept your gaze for so long,
and I haven't.
She has your heart and sole strapped to her chest and I can't even say it's immoral because you let her.
You let her take the one thing that was mine.
She's never going to give you back, we're fighting like children over our favourite toy and she's got a stronger grip.
I want to say so many things about her, so many bad things.
But I can't
Because there's nothing bad to say.

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