"okay, so before we will officially start i just want to make sure that you are aware that i've never played anything else but rock or metal on this baby", eddie pointed at his guitar "and i've never wrote any music you listen to so i think that you will have to adjust your taste in music a little bit to mine or else we'll spend way to much time on for example just the melody or the rhythm", eddie still hold the eye contact with steve to make sure he was following and understanding him. steve just nodded while eddie was talking even though the thought of handing in a metal song was very unfamiliar to him.

"good boy. now if you understood everything we can finally start", eddie chuckled and steve choked on his water once again.

how did eddie say stuff like that in the most attractive way and then acted as if it was no big deal?! it was nothing but an unexplainable mystery for steve.

"you're okay?", eddie made sure steve was alright while softly hitting his back.

"yup, all good", steve groaned still fighting for air to fill his lungs.

"okay, if you say so", eddie reached for his glass, gulped the rest of the liquid before suddenly starting to play his guitar. it took steve a few seconds to recognize the song and to realize where he heard it before.

"i know that song!", steve exclaimed and eddie stopped midway during the song.

"really? so you do know some metal culture?", eddie's eyes were filled with that spark again which steve seemed to notice every time the other got excited about something.

"not too much, really. but i've watched a random tv channel and it was a metal or rock band playing a few songs and this one was one of the performed songs", steve explained while watching eddie's smile grow.

"i've watched that performance too! however, i can't remember that much", eddie added which made steve rise his eyebrows in confusion.

"why can't you remember?"

"because i smoked, steve. since i guess that you don't really know much about smoking: i smoked something like weed but stronger", eddie's face filled with uncertainty not knowing how steve would react to his confession.

"no, i don't know a lot about this whole smoking thing in general to be honest", steve shrugged his shoulders but when he saw eddie's expression turning into something between fear and insecure steve quickly added "but i really don't mind if other people smoke. it's their life and if someone feels like trying different things then why should i be against it?" and when steve could see a careful smile returning to eddie's face he heaved a quiet sight of relief. the absolute last thing steve wanted to do was to make eddie feel as if steve wouldn't accept for who he was or as if steve would try to use the chance as a possibility to change him so he would fit in society's standards.

"alright now that i've exposed myself, we can begin", eddie cleared his throat "would you mind getting your college block? then we can take some notes and plan the song's structure"

steve quickly nodded and put the college block and his pen on the table.

"alright", eddie sighed and moved even closer to steve. "important to know, especially for beginners, is to find a topic for the song. the easiest but also most basic topic is obviously love. sad love, happy love, loss of a loved one, meeting a new love, breakups... i could go on endlessly. now, i would recommend, as an attempt to mix our taste in music, that we will write "happy falling in love" lyrics, to represent your music, while the actual music itself will be something metal or rock, to represent my music"

steve just nodded the entire time while his heart was racing and he could feel blush creeping above his cheeks. for steve's luck eddie was so invested in writing down all if his ideas in his scrawly handwriting that he didn't even notice anything going on with steve. eddie added more details for his ideas on the sheet of paper while steve just concentrated on the man's enthusiasm. eddie tried to explain all of his ideas floating his mind to steve but steve didn't even catch half of it which was partly because of steve just being too busy admiring how attractive eddie was but also because eddie's "explanations" consisted of half finished sentences before he started the next one.

time passed and eddie reached from time to time for his guitar to play some chords before leaning it back above his thighs and add or cross out some of his thoughts. soon enough steve couldn't stop yawning and when he check the time it was almost 12am.

"eddie? i really appreciate your hard work but it's almost 12am and i still have to drive back home", steve explained while another yawn escaped his mouth.

"oh really? no way time passed so fast!", eddie exclaimed surprised after checking his own watch. "are you sure you want to go home? you seem really tired and i don't want you to get into an accident"

"i really don't want to bother you even more after you basically wrote that song on your own, today", steve explained and suddenly felt really guilty about not helping eddie with his own work.

"don't worry, stevie boy. you can stay here overnight. i'll lend you sweatpants and a shirt. also don't worry about the project i was so concentrated on doing my own thing anyway so i should be the one apologizing for letting you sit in silence next to me for a couple of hours"

"okay, fine. thank you so much for letting me stay", steve sighed before both of them got up and steve followed eddie in his room.

eddie hung his guitar back on his wall before opening his closet and handing steve a shirt from a random music group and black sweatpants. almost everything in eddie's closet was black except for the small amount of red and white items. steve immediately changed his clothes, not even bothering to look for the bathroom or waiting for eddie to leave the room. as soon as he changed. he neatly folded his own clothes and when steve was about to ask eddie where he could put them, he swore that there was a glimpse of blush on eddie's cheeks. however, steve was so sleepy that he wasn't sure if it was actual blush or just the streetlamps reflecting their lights on the many posters hung up in the room and coloring eddie's face.

"i will- i will get the spare mattress for you so we can put it next to my bed alright", eddie said and quickly left the room. steve was surprised from the sudden change of eddie's usually so cool behaviour and now changing so quickly. if steve had energy left, he would have questioned it for a thousand different reasons and scenarios. eddie entered the room with the mattress and steve helped him to move it next to eddie's bed.

"here you go, sorry we only had this couch blanket left", eddie handed steve a light blanket but steve really couldn't care less about the type of blanket.

"thanks, good night, ed", steve mumbled.

"good night, stevie boy. thanks for the nickname", eddie replied but steve was already asleep.

2k words chapter let's gooooo!! how is everyone doing and was i able to reach your expectations on their meeting? i really hope so because my day was honestly really fucked up and i am surprised how i was able to work for 3 1/2 hours on this chapter in one sitting (even tho i always write chaps in one sitting)

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