Max didn't like when he was drunk, and he had driven himself home like this too...what if she would get mad at and not take care of him? Or even worse, tell his father?

Billy cried softly, choking back sobs and biting down on his pacifier to avoid making more noise than necessary.
This wasn't fun, he wanted to go back to earlier this evening and leave on time, avoiding all of this happening.

Caught up in his thoughts, he didn't hear the knocking on his door, and his head shot up when he heard it open.
Eyes blown wide, he ripped the pacifier out of his mouth and shoved it under the bed before whoever was there could see it.

But Billy visibly relaxed when he saw a familiar face peak into his room, eyebrows furrowed in worry.
„Billy?" Max asked while entering and closing the door behind her, turning the lock so their parents couldn't get in even if they tried.

„S-Sissy" Billy sobbed, not being able to hold back anymore.
The girl was by his side in a heartbeat, hugging him carefully, to not touch any of his injuries.
Billy's head fell onto her shoulder and he clung to the smaller body of his sister as if it was a lifeline.

Max held him firmly in her arms, letting him get the tears out before even thinking about confronting him.

She had heard Billy come home, but didn't think much of it until Neil Hargroves footsteps were coming down the hallway and she heard him hurt Billy.
The girl had waited until Neil and her mother had settled down to go over, the quiet cries coming from her brothers room making her heart ache.

„Shhh Bills it's okay, I'm here now" she whispered into the boys ear, feeling him hug her even tighter while pressing his face in the crook of her neck in an attempt to hide from the world.
Max continued to whisper sweet nothings to her brother, until he eventually calmed down enough to look at her.

„I'm sorry" he hiccuped, wiping over his wet eyes with the back of his hand.
„What are you sorry for, sweetheart?" the redhead asked, suddenly worried that he had done something bad while being out.
But when he started babbling about how he knew that Max didn't like her brother drinking, she sighed and pulled him closer again.

„It's okay Billy, I'm not mad at you" she reassured, stroking over his hair and softly putting a hand under his chin to make him look at her.
„We need to clean up these cuts sweetheart, before they get infected, okay?" Max asked, and the blond nodded, too tired to talk back to his sister.

Max quickly got up and grabbed disinfection wipes from Billy's closet, together with a box of bandaids.
It pained her that he had to have these things in his room, but right now the girl was glad to not have to leave Billy alone in his room.

„Okay baby, I need you to be a big brave boy for me right now, okay?" she asked as she grabbed one of the wipes and held Billy's chin again, so have a good grip in case he'd jolt his head back.
Billy just whined, pressing his eyes shut and gritting his teeth.

Max made quick work to clean the cuts, making sure to praise Billy all the way through, until she put a bandaid on the one on his cheek.
„There we go, all better sweetheart" she smiled, wiping a single tear that escaped her brothers eyes.

She got up and went over to the boys closet once more, pulling a t-shirt out of it, showing it to the boy.
„Do you want to put this on? I don't want you catching a cold, sweetheart" she smiled, waiting for Billy's agreeing hun to come over to him again.

„Alright hun, put up your arms for me" Max said, showing how he should do it.
Once both arms were up, she quickly pulled the shirt over Billy's head, ruffling his hair once it was on.

„Good job kiddo! I'm very proud of you for being such a brave boy all night" she smiled, watching Billy blush a little and finally pulling his pacifier out from under the bed again, where he must've put it before she had come over.

Max grabbed the red plastic before Billy could put it in his mouth, and stood up.
„One second sweetheart, I'm washing off the dust, okay? I will be right back" she assured the boy, who nodded slightly.

Max quickly went to the bathroom, careful not to make any noises and held the pacifier under the running water.
Once she was satisfied, she dabbed the silicone mouthpiece dry on a towel and sneaked back into her brothers room, handing the paci to him.

Billy squealed, putting it into his mouth and smiled slightly around it, looking up at Max.
The girl smiled back, once again realising how adorable her brother was when he was little.

„Come on sweetheart, I'll read you a story and then it's bedtime for little babies" she chuckled, watching Billy climbing onto his bed and disappearing under his blanket, head sticking out again after a second.

Max grabbed a book from Billy's shelf, raising an eyebrow at the paper cover.
„What is this, sweetheart?" she asked, taking off the cover and revealing a kids book.

„Hid the book so daddy wouldn't see" Billy slurred, implying that his father would get mad if he saw it.
Max nodded, sitting down next to her brother and opening up the picture book.

„Can you tell me what this is, sweetheart?" she asked, pointing at the picture of a dog.
„Doggo!" Billy squealed excited, giggling at the praise he received.

They went on a little, Max asking Billy simple questions to entertain him and praising him every time he got something right.

Soon, the blond fell asleep, and Max placed the pacifier that he had dropped at one point between his lips.
Max laid down next to him, kissing his forehead and turning off the small lamp they had left on to read.

Before she closed her eyes, Max hid the book under Billy's pillow.
The redhead pulled Billy in for a hug, and fell asleep quickly after him.

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