Chapter 14: Contract

Start from the beginning

It's pretty much exactly like a hallway you would see at a hospital or such, just with a bit more grit to it.

The color tones are a bit darker, and the overall feel is just more rugged.


I walk through.

"AP1" is listed on the first door.

"AP2" is listed on the next.

"AP3" is listed on the third.

And "AP4" is listed on the fourth.


I step in.

Greeting me is the sole sound of coffee being sipped.


The room has two couches and a table in the middle, and a desk on the far right side has a coffee maker alongside scattered papers. A water dispenser is next to the desk as well, giving it a large budget office feel.

Kal'sit is seated on the right couch, leaving me the left one.

I take a seat as the air conditing activates, giving the room a light white noise.

I get out the contract papers and put them on the table.


"Nice to meet you." Kal'sit opens the conversation, still holding her coffee mug.

"Nice to meet you too." I respond.


"I'm a very busy person, so I won't waste any more time on chit-chat, lets's get to the contract conditions." She says taking another sip of her coffee.

"Alright." I say, opening up the papers, "We were satisfied with most of your clauses, but we have taken issue with a few things."

She raises her eyebrow.

"Firstly, we don't want the contract to last 6 years, we'd rather prefer something akin to 3 or 4 years. Anything less than 5 years will work with us though."

She lightly nods.

"Secondly, concerning the brakes, we want them to be extended from a week to a month with the possibility of extensions if we ask. We also won't allow the possibility of rejection for these brakes, if we want time off, we will get time off."

Kal'sit doesn't respond.

"Lastly, we need to know the extent to which our combat services will be needed. You left the wording very vague, and we still have deliveries that we would need to do alongside fighting for your company. Any insight will be necessary before we sign."

Kal'sit takes a sip of her coffee, "Let's start from the top."

"We can do four years for the contract, that isn't too difficult, but the breaks are a different story." She says, "The line of work we will be using you in will require many times of urgent deployment, you get the job, and in an hour, you're already on the battlefield. So to have month-long breaks, possibly longer with extensions, can mess up the whole idea of securing Penguin Logistics in the first place."

I put down the papers, "We understand that, however, we already work a lot, and adding on the constant combat and factory work you plan on using us for will be extremely hard on us. And the fact that you can reject those breaks? That's something we cant accept."

She thinks for a second, "Alright, I understand where you're coming from, and I can let you all take the breaks without the chance of them getting rejected, but if you are to have month-long breaks rather than week-long breaks, then you need to add something for us into that equation. Something akin to more work hours, or training new recruits."

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