Rowena nodded quickly.

Lucifer went over to Jack, who pointedly looked away from him. "I know you're angry, but you knew long before now that I wasn't going to let you come."

"But it's not fair! I can help!" Jack protested.

"Jack, we are not going to have this conversation again," Lucifer said in a tone that left no room for argument. "You will stay here, and you will not step one foot towards that rift, am I understood?"


"Jack!" Lucifer said, raising his voice slightly.

"Yes, Father," Jack finally said.

"If you go through that rift, I cannot even begin to explain to you the trouble you will find yourself in, and for the record, I mean with me, not with whatever you encounter," Lucifer said in the sternest tone he could use.

"Okay, I understand," Jack said. "You'll come back, right?"

"I have every intention of it," Lucifer said in a softer tone before pulling him to his feet and pulling him into his arms.

Despite his anger, Jack hugged his father.

After letting go of his son, Lucifer walked over to his brothers.

Michael gave his younger brother an amused look. "Wow. That was like watching a clip of the past, only you're me and Jack is you."

Lucifer gasped and looked at his brother with a fake insulted look. "What? Take that back. I'm not nearly as mean as you were."

Michael chuckled. "You know we had the same fight over and over again, minus the alternate universe aspect. You always wanted to come with me on my assignments. And you only knew t warn him not to follow us, because you remember the one time you followed me."

"Yes, you weren't pleased, were you?" Lucifer asked. He remembered that instance. It was hard not to. He was punished big time for that, both by Michael and his father.

"Alright, gentlemen. We're ready," Rowena said. She added all the ingredients and then spoke the spell. Seconds later, a thin light appeared out of nowhere.

The team all looked at each other and then one by one walked through.

Lucifer took in his surroundings. The entire area around him looked dead. There was no sun or flowers. There were a few trees, but they all looked to be dead and rotting. "Bloody Hell."

"No, I'm pretty sure Hell looked better," Maze commented.

"Damn. So this is what would've happened if we really did fight to the death," Michael commented.

"Hmm," Lucifer responded.

Soon, they all heard screams from a few feet away. They all ran to find the source. They arrived just in time to see a human smote while several angels looked on in glee.

"Excuse me!" Lucifer called out.

"What the hell are you doing?" Dean demanded to know.

The angels all turned to them.

"You do realize that it's forbidden to kill a human, yes?" Lucifer asked them.

"It is?" Sam asked Gabriel in a hushed tone.

Gabriel nodded. "No one's followed that rule in a long time though. Well, I guess Luci has, and probably Amenadiel."

"Who are you?" one of them asked.

Michael stepped forward. "You know who we are. You can sense us, just as we can you, Raphael."

Raphael stared at him. "It's impossible!"

Lucifer DeuxWhere stories live. Discover now