The Prodigal Warlock

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The three companions sat together at a Booty Bay inn, chatting.

"...and he fell right in front of me! His head rolled right in front of the orc and he ran off with this bewildered look! Aha, it was great!" Lasper shouted out with triumph, eyes twinkling with pride of his success and achievements. His mouth spilled of stories of his experiences.

Lexi smiled, resting her elbow on the table and nodded, listening intently. From every corner of the pub were heard merry conversation. "So I'm assuming you were the-" Lexi was interrupted. It seems everyone's always being interrupted. Like, the heck people?! It's polite to wait until someone's done talking.

A young human girl squealed, rushing down the stairs and tackling Lexi. Her voice was full of joy and happiness. "Mother!"

Lexi, Lasper, and Belthazar alike were stunned with surprise. "Mom?" The men exchanged glances.

Lexi gave a light chuckle, brushing her fingers through the silky, silver flowing hair of the girl. She seemed to be around 17 in human years, and adorned with robes of high craftsmanship. "That's right. This is Valentina 'Warheads' Sin. My adopted daughter."

The girl purred, sitting on Lexi's lap and embracing her like a little daughter would her parent. She truly loved her. "Speaking of which, Mom, guess what today is!"

Lexi's eyes bore down at her. But not with any means of hostility. Undivided, real attention was given to her. "Yes, my child? Spit it out."

"It's the Children's Week! You adopted me today!" She bounced a few times, giving another tight embrace. Lexi's eyes brightened down at her. This was a side of Lexi the two of her gladiator companions had never experienced. A death knight -- still a loving mother.

"And your training? Has it gone smoothly?"

"Oh, Mom, you should see what I can do!"

Ding. An idea. Lexi glanced smiled at the two men who stared, not sure whether to join in with merriment anymore or to be silent. "Let's go to the Arena and I want to see what you can do, Val."

"I'll go pack right now!"

"No-" and she was already upstairs, an imp chattering away in the demonic language, hopping beside Val.

Belth and Lasper's eyes fall onto the hooved monster. "You... Adopted a warlock?"

Lexi smiled, and watched their confused looks with her own amused laugh. "My reasoning is like an enigma in your minds. Don't think on it too much. Anyways, it's time to go, she's a fast packer."

They all stood up, walking a few miles north, to the fabled arena of the Gurubashi, a second home to the Sin. It was normal to find them hiding in the shadows, or sitting on the top of the statues which surrounded the arena. Val squeaked, rushing to meet them there in time.

Lexi made it at the arena first, sandstone statues perimetering them. She stared down at the arena below them. A few people, a goblin, a troll and a Sin'dorei sat at the seats. "Yeah!" Cheer erupted as Lexi leaped down to the center of the arena. Belth and Lasper bathed in the cheering, grinning to each other.

Lexi's voice echoed through the arena. "It seems you guys want a fight! But-" two hands wrapped around Lexi's hips, interrupting her. A singsong voice was heard behind her. "Hi Lexiiii." She smiled. "..Jen. Hello."

Jen stood behind Lexi, watching Val step her way down. Belth and Lasper sat at the edge to watch.

Val was jumping up and down, smiling. "Look, look!" Lexi held up a hand. "Hold on." Belth rose an eyebrow as Lexi pointed to him. "Belth. You can use fire. Right? Come down here."

Lasper chuckled. "Flame war."

Belth and Val stood, parallel from each other. "You start, little child." Belth bowed to her. Val nodded with excitement. She thrust her hands forward, beautiful green flames erupting from her small, soft palms. They flew in the air. Belth held out his own hands, fiery red balls of flame touching his fingertips. A grin crossed the face of the pale-blue skinned elf. They stepped a few feet away from each other. Val's companion fel imp, Yaz'jub juggled green fiery balls in his claws.

Val smiled, waving her as fires waved into a large circle around her. She threw the circle into the air, showering in beautiful colors. Belth stood, watching. Val smiled, giggling as she created sculptures of fire. She bows as he gracefully interrupted, wings of red flames erupting from his back. His body was covered in elegant flames. He gave a chuckle, fire crawling like vines across the ground. Val giggled as a vine crawls a meter away from her. It created a full circle, then shot upwards into a spiral, then concaved into a flower around the human girl.

"It's beautiful! But.. Can you do this?" She smiled, bright green flames solidifying like glass, into a flawless sphere. She handed it to him. "A gift!" Warmth poured out of the glass ball, not hot but not cold. It was unnaturally and magically at the perfect temperature. She smiled.

"Well done, Val. Well done."

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