Enter: The Knight

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Eyes exchanged for long moments. The hooded crimson-haired elf stood over her at about seven feet. This was a huge difference compared to a five foot eight Sin'dorei. Jen snapped herself back to reality. Her voice fell to a whisper. "This is Horde territory, with draenor orcs crawling around! HOW? No one noticed?!"

The woman laughed, sitting down on Jen's hammock. The black cat woke up abruptly, a growl growing in the small, puffy devilcat. As the woman glanced down to pet the cat, she immediately relaxed and purred. "Blair is healthy and well, I see." The hooded woman's voice hummed like honey.

"Blair missed you."

Jen sat down beside the woman and Blair, the cat hooded with a witch's hat, patches everywhere. She leaned forward, hugging them both. "Lexi. It's been forever." Forever, it seemed the hug remained until the conversation continued. Lexi took her hood off, smiling. Icy-cyan eyes shone down at her, in the shape of youth. Warpaint was obvious on her face, deep violet. They shaped into war glaives, reaching from the top of her forehead to beside her lips. Her armor was obviously created to resemble the Black Rocks, but changes were made. Electronic items were hidden on the plate. She had no helmet, only a hood. "You're doing well? I heard what happened two-- three months ago? The invasion of your home? You're always safe with me." Jen bit her lips, hugging Lexi once again. "so says the oath of our childhood. You'll always be safe..."

Jen stared to into the eyes of the Kal'dorei. "You being here is scary, though. You didn't kill anyone right?"
A laugh erupted in Lexi's throat. "There's no fun without a little bloodshed."

"LEXI. That's not cool! They'll immediately look for you!" Jen frowned, voice stern and ripe with worry for her undead friend.

"Don't think about it. I was bored, my garrison is boring. Plus, they're being tended to. I'll be gone soon."

"You still haven't FULLY explained why you're here."

"Your daughters, Jen. I've been keeping a silent eye on the-"

"Celo and Cyril? They're safe right? Where are they? Are they eating well? Are you here to say they're dead?!"

A cold finger touched Jen's racing lips. "Shhh, friend. They're safe. They're saying well. They're growing strong, with your willpower and their father's strength. They've taken a bounty today. They're housed in Booty Bay. Quiet.."

"Sunwell, thank you, Lexi. Thank you."

An eyebrow rose on Lexi's face. "You're tired aren't you?"


"Sleep then, you'll be here when you wake up."

Jenovaa S. Sin - The RogueWhere stories live. Discover now