"What a shame." Julio chuckled, walking around to my right. "Those two were always so stubborn to come wherever I was." He smiled, a sly grin tugging at the corners of his mouth. "But you, Hijo, you were always there. Mi perra."

The last of his words made Creed step in front of him, so close as if he was ready to punch Julio in the face but instead he stared at him with a cold look; his eyes dark and drawn in on his father-hands balled up by his side. I didn't know what his father had said but I knew whatever it was it didn't sit right with him.

I rolled my eyes and looked to Sicily, nudging my head for her to take control of the situation, but she shook her head and mouthed no. Jesus, what the fuck.

Smiling, Julio gazed at me past Creed's shoulder and tipped his chin up, making me pull my brows inward. "I like that one. She's not stupid," he said, returning his eyes to his son and looking him up and down. "I have no intention to hurt you, Hijo, not here. It would be embarrassing if many people witnessed the killing of my son, hm." Putting one hand inside his pants pocket, he palmed Creed's shoulder and glanced at all three of us. "Stay for the speech." He insisted before walking away.

We watched him stride into the crowd, finding his way back to people who were thought to be his men, and as soon as he even breathed near them they all turned their heads toward us and gazed with those judging, dark eyes, letting out mocking chuckles you could almost hear from where we stood.

I could quite literally see that shameless smirk on Julio's face despite his back turned on us, and I wanted nothing more than to wipe it clean off.

"I'm gonna kill him," Creed muttered, clenching and unclenching his hands. His breath hitched and he turned around, letting his eyes roam around as if looking for someone. "I'm going to kill that son of a bitch!" He growled loudly, going in to grab his gun but I quickly stepped forward and stopped him. "Get off me."

"You are not ruining our fucking plan," I whisper-yelled, glaring him in the eyes. "If you do this and fuck up then we are all dead. What will you do then, huh?" I asked, almost getting in his face, though it was hard when he was much taller than me.

Scoffing, he then chuckled and soon after it came out as a laugh-an actual fucking laugh, slightly offending me. I didn't know why he found it funny when I was being serious, nothing about tonight was funny. "You sound like Roman." He laughed again before dropping his face and then he pulled out his phone, typing away. "We are doing this as soon as he gets up on that stage. I'm not waiting a second longer."

Oh, for Christ's sake. If what we had planned wasn't hard enough for me already then this fucking was. I knew I shouldn't of thought negatively but going through with the plan way earlier could result in something none of us wanted. I didn't want to risk my life nor Axel's-or anyone's, but if this was what they all agreed on then I didn't have a say.

As I was ready to speak, I was cut off by a sound, a high pitch so loud everybody in the room covered their ears, whispering amongst each other. I looked in front of me and saw Julio on the stage, an unapologetic expression on his face as he tapped the microphone in his hand.

He said something I didn't understand and I turned to Creed, whose eyes were already on me: a smirk so high tugged at the corner of his lips too. "Your cue, Little One," he said, grabbing a strand of my hair and biting the corner of his bottom lip.

"No. I can't- this-"

"Yes, you can. Diego already has his eye on you. Prick," he muttered the last bit, glancing over his shoulder. What? No. I grabbed his arm and shook my head, seeing him roll those crystal blue eyes. "Look, nothing will happen. All you have to do is take him upstairs and seduce him-not much you have to do you're hot anyway. And Axel is right behind you, I promise. Go." He pried my hand off him and nudged me backward, pointing me in the direction of where to go.

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