sum b!tch - Isabella x reader

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Y'all are like in highschool and they kinda don't use their powers lmao

Warning - contains swearing and fighting 💪

"Don't pull that fucking shit on me," I yelled across the lunchroom to some bitch named Fatina.

"Whats the problem?" she asked giving me a dirty ass look.

"You're trippin'? Nah, you was trying to get on my girl." I thought back to yesterday and how Isabella looked so mortified. Fatina wouldn't back off her and was just pushing her. She didn't like how Fatina was cat-calling her.

"It's not my problem that she got a skunk looking ass (wtv gender) ." She flipped her black hair over her shoulder.

"Maybe she would have liked it if you weren't dating."

"You don't fucking lok at others bodies. That's incredibly disgusting."
"You're done." I stormed up to the bitch and grabbed her shirt, punching her in the nose. She screamed, but grabbed my hair. What a dick move. I kneeded her in the face then threw her to the ground. "Maybe, you'll think about trying get with someone else's girl instead of acting like a pedo."

You heard the announcements go off. "Y/n, please report to the office. Y/n L/N, report to the office."

I clenched my fists. "Stupid ass motherfuckers." You didn't even go, you just grabbed your stuff and Isabella, leaving the building. Maybe if people had some goddamn respect, you wouldn't be in this position.

I was practically fuming. I wouldn't doubt that steam was coming off my head. I hated Fatina. She wanted to get with me, but when I rejected her, the bitch turned sour.

"Y/n?" Isa asked, almost silently.

I turned around, looking into her chocolate brown eyes. "Yes?" She just pulled ME into a hug, a long one. One that had meaning and care. I hugged my girlfriend back. You knew she could defend herself, but when someone comments on her body, she just freezes. And this was school and she couldn't dissapoint her abuelá.

She pulled away looking in my e/c eyes. All of the sudden, her lips were on mine. Was this really happening? Was the Isabella Madrigal kissing me?

She pulled away with a small smile. "Thank you for defending me."

"Anything, hermosa." We smiled at each other and walked to her casita, hand in hand.

Sorry its been forever: )

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