Not a Discussion

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With clean dishes drying next to the sink, a load of clothes in both the washer and dryer, and my hair almost completely dry from my shower, my depression/ heartbreak room was almost back to a normal state. All the cleaning was honestly just a distraction from... Well, from everything, I guess. Hence why I was currently sitting in the middle of my room surrounded by who knows how many cd cases open as I tried to put the correct discs back where they belonged.

I didn't know how long I've been cleaning but it grew dark outside as Mom did her round through the house to turn on all the lights that were needed.

"Dryer's almost done," she called out as she bent around my door frame to flick my light switch on.

"Thanks," I bit the inside of my cheek as I twirled the Coldplay cd on my finger trying to find the Parachutes album case. "Can you put the washer's load in the dryer, please?"

"I'm not folding them."

I looked up with an innocent smile on my face, "I didn't ask you to."

She hummed and squinted her eyes at me, "You're lucky you're cute."

"I know."

She shook her head and chuckled before turning around and went on her way to do whatever she was doing before.

Not long after there was a quick knock at the front door before it opened. The top of Morgan's bun poked through the small crack, "Hello?"

"Hi, honey!" Mom called out. "Come in, come in."

"Hey," I greeted as my head was still down and my eyes continued to scan for the correct case.

Morgan's knuckles rapped against my door a couple times, "Knock knock."

"What's up?"

"Clay asked me to-" she cut herself off when I lifted my head. "Oh, your hair is cute."

I squinted my eyes at her jokingly, "Is it really or are you just being polite?"

"No, no! I like it! The side like bangs suits you!" I raised an eyebrow at her as she started to wave her hands. "Honest!"

"Easy, I'm just fuckin' with you," I laughed and ran my hand through my hair. "Thanks though. What were you saying about Clay?"

Her face dropped, giving me an annoyed look and flipped me off before taking a deep breath, moving back to the original thing she was going to say. "Mmkay. Anyway... Clay asked me to come grab ya since he and the guys were still setting up the pews and shit for people to sit. You don't have to come if you don't want to though. Phil says you're the only one exempt since ya know... it's all about you and I'm not gonna lie, things might get rough and take a sour turn."

I furrowed my eyebrows as I shook my head and sat up on my knees to shuffle all the CDs into a single pile, "No, I want to come. I'm not going to hide from anyone."

A worried expression took over her features as I stood to grab my boots from the steps, "Are- Are you sure?"

I nodded as I laced up my shoes, "Definitely."

I wanted to be there when Phil addresses the whole town on what happened this morning. I should be there. Just because I have a target on my head doesn't mean I should have an excuse not to attend mandatory meetings. I've already been a part of so much of what's going on in this town, there's no reason to back out now.

Yeah, it could take a bad turn. People may react in the worst way out of fear, but it's just more of a reason why I should be there.

Also, if they are going to say shit, they better say it to my face.

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