chapter 5 ~ unforseen simulation join! a.k.a. The USJ

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"This isn't part of the exercise! This is real, they're real villains! Thirteen, keep the kids here, I'll handle this!" Aizawa spoke in one breath, hurrying to the fight.

'His fighting style isn't compatible with this situation, he'll probably get exhausted before the final boss.' Izuku thought while looking at the Hand-man who had just exited the portal, around 150 small time thugs exited, while various different portals opened in different parts of the dome.

[Thirteen, the warp guy, he'll probably try to split us all up] Izuku signed to the hero, who just nodded.

"Everyone make your way to the door! And hurry!" The rescue hero ordered,

As the class neared the door, a villain tried to close it, but was met by some blazing purple fire, which ultimately scared him back for enough for Sero to restrain him

Izuku tried to use his flames to keep the door open, but had to turn around to see what some of the commotion was about.

His class was being surrounded by the warp guy, Thirteen was on the ground, part of their costume was torn off.

"I will not allow you brats to ruin young masters plans." The mist man said, and before Izuku had time to register wtf just happened, he found himself in the floodzone.

*kero* he heard in the distance, though he wasn't quite sure because the water was messing with his ears, and it was also cold.

Very fucking cold. Izuku didn't like the cold, so he was probably at stage one hyperthermia due to his body's weak protection against it.

Izukus eyes adjusted, though the water was irritating them deeply.

He was met, face to face, by a really ugly shark guy.

Now, Izuku isn't one to discriminate against quirk mutations, in fact he saw them cool.

But this shark had so many unnecessary piercings, and really badly done tattoos all over his face,

Izuku wanted nothing more than to laugh at the guy, but he'd loose his oxygen. The very little he has left that is.

Izukus quirk was rendered useless in the water, not to mention his movments were stiff due to the cold.

'Shit shit shit. Not good not good not good-' izuku was thinking while being tossed around by a few water based thugs.

Before a long slimey pink.. rope? Lasso? He doesn't fucking know, wrapped around his waist and pulled him up to the boat.

"Kero, sorry it took so long to get to you, I  had to get sticky here to get his tape off my tongue.

[Thank you] Izuku signed through deep, much needed breaths.

"You look freezing Izuku! Kero, the water isn't that cold is it?" Tsuyu asked, holding out a dry towel that Sero had found.

[Drawback: highly weak to the cold. I have hyperthermia.] Izuku signed, highly grateful for the towel.

"I see, well you shouldn't be moving around then, give yourself a chance to warm up at least. We still have to find the others, kero." Tsuyu said, Sero still being inside the ship, looking for any useful resources.

[No need] izuku signed.

He engulfed himself in his hottest flame, sure it didn't burn him, but it stilled warmed his body.

[Problem solved] He signed, getting a hesitant nod from Tsuyu.

[Thanks for getting me out of there tsuyu] Izuku signed, leaning on the side of the cockpit.

Ryujin: The Boy Who Saved The WorldTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang