chapter 12 - final exams

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Izuku mentally groaned, having been stuck unmoving and stuck listening to the sounds around him, he'd gotten pretty bored.

And hungry.

He lost track of time, trying to move and failing endlessly.

"Sensei! His finger twitched!" Oh! Yea, Kaminari visited regularly, every day for multiple hours.

UA had been given days off, A1 took that time to train their abilities for the upcoming exams.

Right, exams. If he doesn't get up soon, he'd miss them.

'Get up Izuku' sensing the tingle of movment in his hand, he was determined to wake up.

Opening his eyes, well- it hurt. Slamming them shut again the moment the light flooded them.

"Izuku?" His father asked, also saying something to Kaminari about getting a doctor.

"Hm" He managed, slowly opening his eyes once more. Aizawa looked horrible, dark eye bags and extra greasy hair. It was all his fault.

"God Izuku, it's been 6 days. Eri and Anahita have been crying since you got here- and I'm pretty sure Kota runs off every now and then to cry on his own." Six days? SIX DAYS? THE EXAM WAS IN 2!

Groaning, Izuku tried to sit up, only to be forcefully pushed back down.

"Not till the doctor's say it's okay. Your insides were basically crisped, your lucky RecoveryGirl and a few other healers were around." Izuku sighed, he'd been stuck in bed for six days, he was hungry, and energetic.

[Food] izuku signed, glaring at the hero.

"I hear ya, just- wait for the doctor.."

Uh, no sir. Izuku Aizawa was not going to wait any longer.

Sitting up straight, he looked at the hero, who was already on the move to shove him back.

Pink fire sprouting at the greenettes shoulders, Immediately releasing the sent of Valerian, a flower commonly used as a sedative, or to help with sleeping problems.

Aizawa blinked, confused on why Izuku was releasing such a sweet scent compared to the others he commonly used.

Then it struck him, literally. His eyes drooped as he slowly felt exhausted, even though he was used to staying up for long periods of time (he'd only gotten about 2 hours of sleep this last week).

Blinking, trying to push past the exhaustion, he tried to reach out limply to his son who was already swinging his legs over the side of the hospital bed, getting ready to stand.

"No- problem child.." He slurred, eyes refusing to cooperate. His eyes rolled back as he fell limply on the bed, dozing off to dream land.

His father deserved a good rest.

Limping over to his fathers side, he easily lifted the larger man onto the bed, covering him with a blanket. Hearing the door jingle, he dove underneath said bed to wait out the doctor visit.

"Aizawa-sensei? He must be in the bathroom.. but Izukus hand twitched, I'm sure it did!" Kaminari said, leading the doctor to the bed.

"Why is he covered?" Kaminari asked, looking at the silhouette under the blanket.

"Most likely to block the light, it's very irritating when you first wake up after a long rest." The doctor explained, reaching out to pull the blanket down.

"I- Aizawa-sensei?" Kaminari blinked at the sleeping hero in shock.

Izuku, who had already made it to the door, stomped his foot.

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