Live. (part 2 of training camp)#14

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As the group hurried forward, they managed to intercept a dangerous standoff between Uraraka and one of the highschool student Dabi mentioned. Tsuyu was pinned to a tree by her hair, holding her limp and bleeding tongue in her gloved hands.

"Tsuyu!" Tokoyami called out, darkshadow erupting from his back abruptly, freeing Tsuyu from the painful position and holding her close.

"Good job, dark shadow, keep her safe." Tokoyami said in relief, for he had believed darkshadow would react harshly in the lack of light.

"Thanks for getting me down, kero." Tsuyu spoke softly, stroking darkshadows feathers.

Izuku heard a screech and turned his attention away from his froggy friend, zeroing in on his other classmate.

Uraraka, luckily, hadn't been the one screeching. His anti-grav friend managed to use Gunhead material arts to subdue the female villain and hold her arms tightly behind her back, rendering the villain immobile.

He tossed her one of his shoelaces to tie her up.

"Aw dangit! I really hoped I could've gotten more blood." She whined as Uraraka patted her down and removed all her concealed wepons.

Izuku stared sadly at the girl, so young. He wanted her to be given a chance, to be given an opportunity to be a better person.

[Uraraka, ask why she's a villain, she's so young- maybe our age.] He signed to his bubbly friend, who nodded.

"Why are you a- uh.. villain?" Uraraka asked, the blonde girl just blinked at her for a moment.

"What do you mean? What else could I have been? My quirk requires blood! My family disowned me because of my urges! No matter how hard I tried I always needed blood!" She yelled out, her eyes glossing over.

Izuku felt ill, this girl had no choice, she was never given the opportunity to get quirk counseling. In fact, Izuku was certain that the reason she was so compelled to blood was because her quirk required it, almost like you need water to survive.

"There you guys are, I was wondering when I'd find you, Ryujin." A gruff voice spoke, all of his classmates spun around abruptly to look at the new voice.

"Uwa!! No way!! Ryujin? Really!? So cool!" The blonde villain cheered. Bakugou got into an offensive stance, prepared to fight the black haired male who just emerged from the trees.

[Stand down! He's a spy for the heroes!] Izuku signed frantically, luckily Uraraka saw his signing and relayed the message to those not paying attention to him.

"Toga, you realize that there's plenty of good guys out there with blood quirks, right?" Dabi asked the blonde, now known as toga.

"What? Like actually? With like- real blood?" Toga asked, almost excitedly.

"Yea, Vlad King has the ability to manipulate blood. He's a teacher at UA." Dabi spoke, patting Toga on the head.

"We'll work on your attitude, but your naturally compelled to blood because of your quirk, people offer treatment for that stuff, blood bags and stuff." He explained, catching the younger girls attention.

"Wait! Why don't these hero fellows fight you, Dabs?" The bun headed girl blurts, causing a lot of the others to still.

"Uh- he's a villain.. but not a villain? Zuku told us he was actually a-" The bubbly brunette was shut up quickly by a scarred hand covering his face, preventing further speaking.

"Woah! Was Dabi a hero all along!? Someone burnt like him? A hero! Wow! I wanna be a hero! Sign me up!" She sing-songed, seemingly forgetting the fact that Dabi had essentially betrayed her. Dabi helped keep an eye on her as the group moved towards the main clearing, where the most noise could be held.

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