chapter 4 ~ Ryujin kidnapped a child.

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Izuku knew ahead of time that Aizawa would hunt him down, and ultimately asked if he could hang out with Kaminari, who instantly agreed to the idea.

[Your place is quite nice Denki] Izuku signed, taking his shoes off and leaving them at the door.

"Ah. Thanks Izuku! My mom's a pro hero, she's really busy all the time so she's not home"

Izuku nodded. Kaminari led the greenette to his bedroom, it was full of different gaming set ups.

"I've got a few games and set ups if you'd like to do play anything!" Kaminari said sheepishly, he'd never really had company over so he was a little anxious.

[This is really cool, Denks, you've got nearly every station you'd ever need!] Izuku awed at the different devices,

Nintendo 2ds, Nintendo 3ds ,wii ,every Playstation in existence, Gameboy, Xbox, Nintendo switch, Nintendo switch lite, and 2 different PC setups, both with 2 screens.

He also had a full bookshelf of games, lots of games.

"My mom's always super busy, but spoils me whenever she sees anything new and gaming related." Kaminari spoke, a saddened tone to his normally cheery voice.

Izuku didn't know why, but he suddenly felt the urge to hunt down every person who wronged Kaminari, and have their heads on poles as decoration.

[But you just want her to notice you, huh.]

"W-what? You could tell?"

[Body language.]

"I- okay."

The two spent the rest of their night playing random games.

"Kami darling~ I'm homeeeee"

That must be his mother.

"Mama!" Kaminari yelled, speeding out the door and down the stairs

That confirms it

"Mom! I have company right now, he's staying for the night! He's in my class and he's really strong! He stopped a whole building from collapsing and saved a classmate too! And then he-"

"Woah woah, slow down there buckaroo. Let's meet this friend of yours now, yea?"


Izuku appeared at Kaminaris side instantly, shocking the pro hero infront of him.

"Woah! He's fast, or quiet, or he's a genie of sorts and you somehow summoned him."

"He's just fast, and quiet, he's really good at stealth." Kaminari boasted

Izuku turned slightly red, he wasn't very used to compliments.

"Well isn't that nice! I'm glad your making friends darling, anyways I was planning on-"



"It's the hero commission"

After Mrs, Kaminari had to excuse herself for a meeting, Kaminari's mood dropped completely.

Izuku really felt like putting the hero commission out of business.

So that's exactly what he's going to do.


While Kaminari was sleeping, Izuku carefully changed into a mask, hoodie, and black sweats. All he carried on him was his green katana, 2-3 flashbombs in his bag, and some knifes.

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