Chapter 14

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Hey! So, this fic is discontinued, and I actually wrote this chapter about a year ago but didn't publish it. I personally think it's... meh. But since it's written might aswell post it. (I refuse to proof-read this though)

BTW your guys' comments still crack me up! I love each one of them.

Everything beyond this point was written a year ago:


For some reason, up until recently I had no idea Boscha was in the potion track... just think of the things we could do with this information...

Oh, and this might be the weirdest and most dramatic thing I've ever written. (I mean it is Boscha we're talking about)

But besides that...


Third person

That same day...

As the tired pinkette wondered aimlessly through the halls of Hexside with this morning's events constantly playing at the back of her mind, she somehow found herself on the other side of the school: the Plant Track. As much as the witch doesn't mind a little violence, sitting next to Luz in class is a massive nope . With nothing better to do and perhaps curiosity, she walked in the direction she thought Willow's class would be, to no avail as it was empty.

She was seriously confused and it took her a good 5 minutes to connect the dots and realise that today must be practical day.

After some agitated mutters at her own stupidity, she went over to the school garden. Luckily there's only one of those so the correct door is fairly easy to find, but the garden itself in MASSIVE. I'll definitely get lost if there, she thought, despite having already had an excessive tour from Willow, but decided that that was a problem for later.

She peers through the double doors and slips inside. Following the voices, she walks around the various plants and flowers and cactuses and... whatever the fuck that is. With the seemingly random brick walls separating some sections of the garden, this place could be compared to a labyrinth.

It wasn't long before she recognised a particular voice. Cautious to not get caught by... anyone really, she found some shelf full of chemicals and stood behind it as she listened in.

Lowering her head, she peered around the corner to see Willow waving someone over.

And then she choked on air.

Why? Because it just had to be Ester; the creepy-ass person who knows more than they should, and too much to be trusted.

Ester's never revealed a secret or anything like that. So maybe she's just being paranoid?

Boscha desperately tried to wrap her head around it but when has that ever worked-

She took a deep breath and ran her fingers through her hair, then stopped abruptly and gripped it tightly in frustration. How could she have been so STUPID as to reveal something personal??

She felt so vulnerable at that moment and she couldn't stand it.

She sees Ester heading away from the group;

Looks like they're heading towards the storage;

The only place here with a door, and a lock.


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