• Chapter 3 •

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This chapter's kinda boring in my opinion but it leads to the next chapter which has some more action ;) Let me know what you think and any suggestions are appreciated!


All three of us made our way straight to princliple Bump's office the following Monday.

We got a few dirty looks as we made our way through the halls, even from teachers. I had no problem ignoring it, but it seemed to have made Luz a bit tense and she wouldn't stop fidgeting with the drawstrings on her hoodie.

From the corner of my eye I saw Amity reach her hand out to Luz and smile, which seemed to calm her down.


Bump's expression turned into a frown as he watched the video on his computer.

We sat on the other side of the desk anxiously waiting for his response.

He slowly closed his laptop and rubbed his chin with his fingers, still deep in thought. This just made us even more nervous.

-Well, Luz, I am very sorry for expelling you. You are obviously allowed back at Hexside, and Boscha will be punished appropriately.

At this she perked up, looking at me and Amity who just sighed with relief and smiled.

Luz was about to say something but Bump interrupted before she could.

-Just one quick thing - we turned our attention back to him.

-How did you manage to get hold of this tape?


Oh right. That detail.

It just couldn't be this easy, could it?

We stayed silent for a moment, thinking about what to say.

If Amity said it was her who got the tape, her parents would kill her. Literally.

And if Luz were to break into school while expelled she'd get into so much trouble.

Luz spoke up.

-It was m-

-Me - I interrupted quickly before she could finish. - Sorry sir, it was the only way to find proof.

He sighed. - I understand, but this kind of behaviour cannot go unpunished... Willow Park, I am sorry but I am going to have to suspend you.

I just stared at him in disbelief.

-You will be suspended for 3 days, starting today.

It felt as if my blood started to boil. My entire body tensed up as I held it all in, starting at my legs and making it way up to my core and shoulders.


... is what I wanted to say. Yell, actually. But people don't listen when you get mad or shout; they either start treating you like a child or get mad as well.

-I understand - I simply nodded, ignoring the confused looks I got from the other two.

I should be happy! School's boring, I'll get so much more done at home!

-You are dismissed.

I quickly got up and was the first person out the door.

As soon as I got out of the office I let go of my 'calm' act. All I cared about was getting out of that school as fast as possible. Through the corner of my eye I could see Luz running after me but I just didn't want to talk to her; or anyone for that sake. I quickly managed to lose her and headed straight for the exit.

Of course, right by the door stood the one and only cause of my problems.

-Hey flowers, what are you so worked up about? - she half asked and half stated whilst laughing with her friends.

I just flipped her off and gave her a look which wiped that smirk off her face. I shoved past her and out the school exit.


Third person POV

Other than the school garden, this place had always been their escape, yet every time she returned she would notice something new. Because of that, she had subconsciously made it her goal to find at least 3 new details about the forest every time she went there and memorize them.

There isn't a particular reason other than wanting to get her mind off of things.

Willow switched from looking at the bright blue sky to the trees, then down at the ground. Often when she was walking she would focus her gaze on the floor which made people think that she was sad, when actually she was just looking for seeds.

Willow gasped with excitement before crouching down to inspect what she just found. It was a small seed about the size of a beed. Huh... a jade vine. Aren't those extinct? The witch picked it up to inspect it and shrugged as she put it into the pocket of her yellow coat and kept walking.

I should talk to Luz. I don't want her to think I'm mad at her, especially since she did nothing wrong.

She sat down and leaned against a tree, then closed her eyes. The smell of pinecones was refreshing and the quiet sound of the wind and the trees moving along with it almost made her fall asleep. The wind made it's way through her short turquois hair, giving her the sensation of someone stroking their hand through it. It was still a bit cold as it was only early sping but her polo-neck jumper and the few rays of sunshine that managed to make their way from in-between the leaves kept her warm. She just wanted to savour this moment forever...


She reluctantly sat back up, bringing a knee up to her chest and taking out her scroll.

She opened up the scroll but fell right back against the tree in defeat when she read the notification.

She sat there for a moment, then took a deep breath and pushed herself up and off the ground.


-Suspended. Again?

-We are very dissapointed in you.

She tried thinking about something else whilst her parents lectured her, which usually works in class but not this time.

-I was only helping my friend

-Willow, you can't keep sacrificing yourself for your friends like that.

Ugh they don't get it

She wanted to keep arguing but there was no point.

Willow stayed silent as her dads exchanged glances.

-Can I go to my room to do my homework? - she obviously didn't have any, she just wanted to leave.

Her dad nodded and she quickly grabbed her stuff and headed upstairs to her room.

I'm 18. Why am I still getting these lectures?

Well, deep down she knows that her parents just want what's best for her. Regardless, she wasn't planning on staying in her room.

My parents think I'm mad at them so they'll probably want to give me some space. I have until dinner, which won't be for a few hours.

She grabbed Clover but settled on sneeking out the front door. Flying just isn't her thing-


Perfect timing. I can talk to Luz. The witch mused on what she was going to say when she realised school had just finished.

Willow made her way towards the entrance of Hexside and was surprised when she didn't find the human there.

She looked around and quickly noticed Amity, who must've felt her gaze as the witch turned around to look in her direction just a moment later.

She immediately ran towards Willow, who was just standing there as the panicked witch tried to get the words out.


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