• Chapter 7 •

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Here's a quick reminder on everything that happened that day because Chapter 3 to now is still the same day. Oops-

Willow got suspended for getting camera footage of Boscha placing fake evidence against Luz. Boscha also got suspended. Right after school ends Willow comes to school to apologize to Luz for being mean but turns out Luz was kidnapped by someone. Willow just assumes it was Boscha, goes to her house, punches her, then leaves. Boscha, being just downright confused, decided to follow Willow. They both find out that it was the empereror that kidnapped Luz. Willow then faints and starts falling from the stress of being at a height and hearing that the Emperor is Luz's father. Boscha saves her and brings her to her house. Willow's opinion on Boscha changes because of Zeki and since she saved her life.

That same day, Boscha, being tired of her mum, decides to visit Ester but gets caught. When her mum (any ideas for a name maybe?) threatens to hurt Zeki, Boscha punches her and leaves; she has no place to stay now. But then she runs into someone...

LMAO how did I come up with this-


Meanwhile, after Willow left Boscha's house:

Willow's POV


I pinched the bridge of my nose in annoyance and I couldn't stop mentally punching myself for how stupid I am.

Although, staying silent wasn't the worst decision ever; that expression on her face was absolutely priceless. I never thought of Boscha as someone who would have a pet; she seems so cold at school. Looks like she still has a soft side.

I entered my house and went straight to my bedroom to rest; it's been a very long day-

Magical gay time skip

I went downstairs where my parents still were.

I couldn't help but be slightly proud of myself for managing to fall asleep for once. Even though it was 7pm now and I should be going to sleep in a few hours – which probably won't happen.

-Hey sweety, how are you feeling?

-I'm ok - I offered dad a smile.

-That's good. Well, we already ate but we saw that you were sleeping so we didn't want to wake you. Dinner's in the oven for you to warm up when you're hungry.

-Thanks – I said, sitting down next to pops on the couch, who barely acknowledged my existence as he was watching something on TV.

-Oh, and your school work came in the mail for you earlier.

I groaned at the reminder of the school's new policy that they still give you work to do when you get suspended. (I'm basing Hexside mostly off of an American high school but uhh I've never been to one so I don't know how it works.)

I took the parcel that dad handed me; he gave me a soft smile with it. It was reassuring to know that they weren't mad at me anymore.

I opened the parcel and looked through the worksheets. It was a lot but it won't take me more than 3 hours to complete everything. Plus this time I can listen to music while doing it.

This whole suspended thing isn't bad at all. Why did I get so angry before?

I traced my memory back to what happened earlier and my happy peaceful moment passed.

I'm worried about Luz. She's most likely being kept somewhere in the castle and there's no way to reach her. I mean, maybe she's happy that she found her long-lost father. Maybe not. Either way, she shouldn't have to go through it alone.

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