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LUKE WAS SURE THAT HE HAD STEPPED INTO THE TWILIGHT ZONE. He wasn't sure when, but at some point in his day, he crossed over into a parallel universe. Because there was no way that in this universe, his nephew had a friend. Even though if you asked he would never admit that Annie Hartley was the closest thing he had to friendship since his childhood best friend. A miracle was at work. Luke knew that Annie had an incredible but annoying power to make you like her. She would never leave you alone until you were won over by her powers of charm. Luke had too resisted it. Four years ago when Annie entered his dinner with her friends in tow. Luke treated them like he treated every galling human being that he encountered: haste and taut. Luke had no patience for difficult customers and if you wanted good service then you need to sit where you're told and order quickly. Of course instead he was meant with the four most indecisive girls on the planet. Each chiselled at his forbearance and he was close to putting his fist through the wall.

Annie, being ever so caring Annie, took notice of his aggravated nature and made sure to apologise before she left and made sure to never make the mistake again. The next time she showed up, they already planned their orders. It was a small gesture that saved Luke probably three minutes of time but a century of patience. He was so thankful for her in that moment, and every time after that when she made it her mission to make his life easier. He would never confess his reverence for the girl. And even if she was a clumsy waitress, Luke had to admit that she knew how to handle customers. When she broke a mug or gave someone the wrong change, they treated her with affection. 

But he was sure Jess was immune. That there was some mutation in his blood that allowed him to resist the sunshine disease. But no, he too had succumbed to it. 

It was early in the morning, the diner hadn't opened yet. Luke stood behind the counter as the two teenagers cleaned menus for the morning service. Granted, they were arguing but for Jess, that was one step from making each other friendship bracelets. 

"How is Grease your favourite movie?" Jess exclaimed. Even after watching SLC Punk for the second time, Annie still didn't like it. Reluctantly, she shared this opinion with Jess. After spending twenty minutes defending one of his favourite films, he decided to grill Annie on her own tastes. They were only at the beginning of the conversation, and he already hated her favourite movie. 

"Why wouldn't it be? It has everything. Music, romance, drama, action. It's the perfect movie." Annie insisted. She was so glad that Trin wasn't here to point out her huge crush on Danny Zuko which was no way a reflection on her current crush.

"They sing around in leather jackets and poodle skirts, Hartley." Jess couldn't be more appalled at her movie choice. He had concluded that Annie Hartley had in fact the worst taste in the world. As much as he wanted to go into an hour-long argument of everything she loved, he didn't want to push her too far. He never knew if the next thing he said would make her laugh or cry. Maybe that gamble was what made things interesting.

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