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ANNIE dreamed of the boy with dark hair

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ANNIE dreamed of the boy with dark hair. The one that looked like Danny Zuko. There was no logic or reason to her infatuation, it just simply was. She smiled at the thought of him, her stomach erupted into a garden of butterflies. It had been so long since she had felt such a way towards someone. Not since Archie Stonem in the 6th grade. She was convinced they were in love and were to be married. That was until he married Tina Murray in front of the whole playground.

The thought was Jess excited her. He was mysterious and brooding and defied what she thought a bad boy was. It brought some spice to her boring little down and she was ready to live her Valley Girl romance.

She sprung from her bed as usual. Singing in the morning glory. She was the first one awake as usual. Her first instinct was to press play on her stereo and play a Britney Spears song to jazz up her morning. She would soon hear the moans and complaints of her sister who was more of a Def Leppard kind of girl. Nonetheless, Annie danced around her room with a spring in her step as she lip synced to Womanizer. She dressed in bright colours. As if she was the embodiment of spring. Greens, blues and pinks stuck to her body in the forms of wool and denim. A pink gloss slid back and forth on her lips as they left a sparkly residue.

Today was the start of a good day. She thought about the boy again. Hoping to see him in the back of her English class deep in a book. She skipped towards her kitchen, her father already wide awake reading his newspaper over a cup of coffee. His pencil rested on his ear as he stared at the crossword trying to remember the name of the actress who played Jen Lindley in Dawson's Creek. The name Williams was stuck in his mind but her first name was lost in a sea of Melissas', Vanessas' and Robins.

He heard his daughter humming from down the hall. His eyes didn't move from the paper as she sang happily, removing the orange juice from the fridge and a croissant from the bread bin. She threw the pastry on a plate and set it on the table before hovering over her father's shoulder. "Michelle Williams." She told him as she pressed her lips against his cheek.

He released a long exclaim of realisation as her name made perfect sense in his head. He quickly pulled the pencil from his ear and scribbled down the letters of her name. With a proud smile, Annie sat back in her chair, ripping off a section of her croissant and stuffing it in her mouth. "You're in a good mood."

"Can't I be?" She asked curiously.

Her father chuckled. "To go to school?"

The blonde shrugged her shoulders, trying to hide her bashful smile. "Mrs Clarkson is on maternity leave so no more pop quizzes."

"Is that all?" He asked from behind his newspaper.

The blonde hummed a yes and her father chuckled to him. He knew well enough that pop quizzes were not the reason behind her motivation. He knew that look far too well to not know a boy was involved. It was the same look she had for Archie Stonem and Eric Park and Wilson Barnes. It was her usual routine to avoid the whole 'boys' conversation with her dad until she was absolutely sure he was sticking around. He didn't hear about Archie until the wedding fiasco. Nonetheless, he knew.

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