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THERE was an operation name for Annie's quest

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THERE was an operation name for Annie's quest. Operation; Danny Zuko. It helped that Annie was blonde enough and daft enough to want to be his Sandy Olsson. That's what she was to the word; daft. In what universe would any sane person try so hard for a guy to like her? Annie. Annie would. But that drive for validation extended the opposite sex and applied to anything with a heartbeat.

Annie had learnt few things about Jess Mariano. He liked books. Which was something that Annie could not relate to. He liked rock music. Again, Annie was more of a Britney Spears girl. And he worked at Luke's. Now that was something she could work with.

The blonde woke up early on a Saturday morning with a spring in her step as usual. It should be easy to convince Luke to give her a job. After she was everyone's favourite person. She came prepared for her eventual run in with Jess. In her bag she had a Metallica CD she had stolen from her sister and a book called Love is a Dog from Hell by Charles Bukowski which she had gotten from Trin. Which seemed fitting for a love skeptic such as Jess Mariano.

She walked to Luke's diner, smiling at every person she passed. Each smiling back, suddenly feeling warm inside as this girl radiated sunshine. The diner was quiet. It was only nine o'clock on a Saturday morning so everyone was either asleep or already at work.

Annie entered with a ring on the bell. Luke was behind the counter with his blue backwards cap and dish towel over his shoulder. The typical Luke Danes attire.

"Take a seat, pancakes will be out in a minute." The older man instructed, not taking his eyes off his notepad. He didn't need to look up to know exactly who was in front of him and her order; chocolate chip pancakes and coffee with milk.

"I'm actually not ordering anything, I need a job."

"Funny, I don't need any employees." The blonde's shoulders slumped as she pouted.

"Luke, please." She begged.

He still wasn't looking up. "No."

The older man began to walk away and clean up his tables. Annie followed behind, keeping strong to her argument. "I have excellent customer service. I am everyone's favourite person, even Taylor's. Imagine never having to deal with Taylor again."

Luke stopped moving, contemplating her argument. A life without Taylor seemed like a dream. He released a sigh before turning around, holding the contents of the dirty table in his hands. "You make a compelling argument but it doesn't change the fact that you're too chatty, can't do simple math, accident prone and get distracted far too easily."

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