Chapter Twenty-Three | Zaly Welly

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A L E X A N D R A | N I C O L A I D E S 


Ares is the love of my life.

And I mean that with every inch of my heart.

If that makes sense.

I lost my memories once but that did not stop us from loving all over again, it shows just how strong our love is no matter what. I watch him throw Adeline in the air, her legs dangling, she laughs continuously as he catches her. Adeline is two years old. And she became a big part of our marriage and life.

"Go to mummy, go." Ares told her, I look ahead and widen my eyes as I see them both running towards me. Adeline's brown hair suddenly becomes my vision as she jumps onto me. I pretend to fall over as she stabs me with her paper knife.

"Daddy-look we kill the bad guy!" She giggles.

"You killed me-" I pretend to play dead.

Ares lifts me up and throws me over his shoulder, I squeal from surprise as he throws Adeline on his other shoulder. "Mummy-a butterfly!" She wrenches herself out of Ares' embrace.

As Adeline races to grab the butterfly, Ares softly puts me down, but my arms linger around his neck. He stares down at me as he takes a stick out of my hair. We both glance at Adeline to see her twirling around, the butterfly gently sitting on her finger.

Ares slips an arm around my waist, and we pretend to dance jokingly, I rest my head on his shoulder. His lips press against the top of my head, "I love you." I whisper.

"I love you, Angelos."

"Thank you for not giving up on me Ares."

"I would never give up on you." I smile prints onto my mouth, and suddenly I feel his lips take over. I could not help but kiss him back, "how about we drop of Adeline with Grandma Coraline and Auntie Jamie-"

"Yeah! Grandma Cora! I want to bake cakes with tigers again-" Both or head snap towards her, she yanks on the bottom of my dress. Ares lifts her up and rests her against his hip, "mummy-Grandma Cora please."

"We deserve a little night to ourselves."

"We do."

"You do!"


"Okay bye Ade, mummy loves you and if you need me tell Grandma Coraline to call me." I whisper, pushing her hair to the side. Adeline nods her head and waves goodbye before running after her cousin Charlotte. Coraline chuckles and leans against the door, staring between me and Ares.

"You guys better make this night worth it, you ruined me and Jamie's sex night for your sex night." She folds her arm and gives us a strong death stare.

"Okay and this is the queue to leave." Ares whispers, tugging on the back of my arm. "I'm in the car." Ares makes his way out, I hug Coraline.

"Thank you, mum, it means a lot to us." I whisper, her eyes widen when I pull away and I double check on Adeline before rushing to the car.

Once I was inside, Ares drives the way back to the Cabin which is now our home, one hand on my thighs and the other on the wheel. I look between the road and him as he slowly drags his hand up. I bite onto my bottom lips, hiding the deep blush that has come across my face.

I turn my face only slightly and we both seem to have the same idea.

He parks on the side of the road, pulls his chair back. I slip of my jacket, and he helps me on top of him. My hands slide to the back of his hair as his tongue finds its way into my mouth.

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