3 ~ Dojo Day Afternoon

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Honestly, I couldn't get that night out of my head, more importantly, I couldn't get Jack out of my head. So maybe I had developed a little crush on Jack, it was no big deal, right?


We all stood behind Jack staring at the board he had propped up on four cinder blocks in front of him. We were all in our gym clothes, we hadn't changed into our gi's yet. I was in a pair of black sweatpants and a black cropped hoodie with a red sports bra underneath.

"Alright guys, stand back." Jack says and we all take a step back.

Jack chops the board in half, and nobody is really that impressed by it. I mean, Jack has done that a thousand times.

"What's the big deal, Jack? You've done that a thousand times." Jerry says.

"Yeah and, V could do that in her sleep." Kim says. I nudge her with a smile on my face.

"Wait for it..." Jack says, blowing on the cinder blocks. In response the blocks crumble.

A chorus of "whoa's" erupt from the room. I raise my eyebrows in response. I was genuinely impressed, but doesn't mean I was going to show it. I may have a crush, but doesn't mean I have to show it.

"Man, I'd give you a million bucks if you could do that to my cello." Eddie says. "Playas don't play the cello."

"Well you're not a playa." Milton said, mocking Eddie.

"I will be when i get rid of that dang cello. I'm going to get a smoothie." Eddie said.

"Eddie! Will you grab me a -" I began.

"A piña colada smoothie, I got it V."

"Thanks!" I smile.

I turn and catch an odd look from Jack. "What?" I ask innocently. Jack opens his mouth to speak but he's interrupted by Rudy's  cries.

"No! No!" The toilet gurgles, and everyone goes too door. "Don't you die on me, not now! It's not your time!" Rudy yells in anguish.

"What's going on in there?" I ask, confused for the most part.

"Rudy's toilets clogged again." Jack responded, rolling his eyes.

Rudy storms out of his office in rubber coveralls and gloves.

"Poor Myrtle. I almost lost her." he begins. "Twice I had to plunge her back to life."

"How do you know if a toilets a boy or a girl?" Jerry asks, confused, as always.

"You take the top off of the tank, you reach your arm in and you feel around -"

I felt Kim cringe beside me.

"Stop! I think I'd rather hear about this in an awkward conversation with my father!" Milton exclaimed.

"Rudy, focus. The new owner of the mall is going to be here any minute!" Kim says. I nod in agreement.

"Hey, you guys gotta check this out!" Eddie calls, bringing in both our smoothies and a small brochure. I sprint over to him to grab my smoothie. What? I'm a sucker for tropical smoothies.

"These brochures are all over the place. This new owners making some big changes." Eddie says as I begin to sip my smoothie.

"Wow, they finally moved the baby changing area out of the food court. If you ask me, that was a big step in the right direction."  Kim said.

"No way! They're bringing in a Captain Corndog!" Eddie exclaimed.

"Oh snap! Now that's a classy joint. Yeah, my sister got married at a Captain Corndog. The Captain walked her down the plank himself." Jerry said, the way he talked about it made it seem like something to brag about, but I'm not sure if that was brag worthy material.

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