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Ever since I gave Brice my number, i've had a strange feeling in the pit of my stomach. I'm anxious about our first night together. It sounds so wrong and yet so right, but completely besides the point of why we're meeting up.

To study.

He's been viewing my statuses on Whatsapp and followed me on IG. I've been over thinking everything ever since. My photos, my feed, the random thoughts I share or the dumb shit I re-post. I wanted to act normal but knowing he's watching makes me self conscious even if it's through the screen. How the hell am I going to make it through the coming weeks at this rate?

At dinner, I'm a wreck. 

I peck at my salad on the side and nibble on some fries. I love fried chips and these are proper slap tjips, nice and thick. But for the life of me, I cant seem to stomach them. The butterflies in my belly are in revolt.

I barely slept last night in preparing my notes to tutor. 

"Earth to Soleil," Char waves in front of my face with an annoyed look on hers.

"Huh? I'm sorry, I didn't hear a word you said."

"I know." she deadpans, clearly not impressed.

"I'm nervous and..." I bite my lip wondering whether I should share this with Char.

"And?" she prompts.

"And I'm wondering how I'm going to broach the topic of..."

"Of?" she eggs on.

"Whatever is going on between us," I attempt to finish the thought.

"Yes, what the ever is going on with you two? He was in my spot during chem and he's been eyeing you all day."

"Well he asked for my number last night and when I didn't respond he just handed me his phone during class."

"Ooo progress and a man who pursues what he wants. I'm liking this new season of Soleil & Brice. Is that why you've been more pre-occupied with your phone than usual?" 

She steals a chip from my tray. I shrug. I don't want to admit how I've been stalking him and obsessing over what he thinks of the online rendition of me.

We're scheduled to meet up at 6pm. By 5.30pm, I abandon any notion of food and push the rest of what's left to my bestie as I bid her a good night. I head over to my dorms to grab my stuff before walking over to his.

As I approach the boys boarding house my heart beats at my throat and booms in my head. I take a few deep breaths like they teach you to in yoga, breathing in through my nose and out through my mouth. I square my shoulders and step over the threshold.

He sees me before I can even look for him. Brice walks over to me in what's left of his uniform, beige pants and a white collared shirt sans the tie, jersey or blazer.

"Hey! Let's head upstairs."

I nod my head, too nervous to say anything, and follow behind him. I feel the lingering gaze of all the boys that are gathered in the common room and loitering in the halls as we make our way to his room.

Eagles row is nice. The dark wood finishes give the house a masculine feel. 

"Welcome to my humble abode."

It's anything but humble. I'm sickened at how big his room is and that bed is queen sized. I approach the bathroom and can't help but squeal in disbelief.  Do the boys really need all this space while we're given what basically amounts to a wash closet?

Spellbound [BWWM Original Fiction]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant