I hate her

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Travis's POV:
After a while I had to head back to get my cousin. She called me complaining that she wanted me to drive Larry and her to the arcade. So like a Taxi driver I drove them all around town. At around 5 Larry had to go home to do something for his mom. So we said our goodbyes and went home. My parents had left for church planning I guess because once we got back they weren't there. I walked upstairs leaving Ivory downstairs. I honestly wanted to be alone. I wanted to just feel safe in this house I call home for once. But it was ruined by Ivory.

"Hey Travis whatcha doing?" I jumped a little and looked over. "Just laying down" She smiled innocently and walked in. Closing and locking the door. "Why'd you lock the door? I don't think that's very necessary" I said confused. "Hey Travis will you do something for me?" I tilted my head and nodded a little. "Okay good..." She walked closer to me and sat down right next to me. I scooted away a little but she scooted closer. "Move over please.. your too close Ivory" I leaned away from her and averted my gaze. "Travis... Have you ever seen a girl naked.?" I flinched and looked at her like she was crazy. "Why would you ask that!? No!" I looked at her in disgust as I watched her rub her legs together. "Well do you want to see a girl naked?" I shocked my head violently. "No why would I? You know I'm gay.."

She moved her hand onto my thigh and started rubbing it. That's when I felt a cold cloud of worry wash over me. "Please stop.. Leave me alone.." I pushed her hand off but she put her other hand higher up on my thigh. "Ivory stop! We're family!" She rolled her eyes and covered my mouth. "Yea and family should be their for each other if they need help. Right~?" I flinched and I felt like throwing up. "No! Your disgusting!" Before I could get up she straddled me and pushed me back. I felt tears well in my eyes as I tried to get up but I couldn't. She cuffed my hands the the bed frame which caused me to go into even more panic. "Ivory uncuff me! Your fucking sick! Let me g–" She shoved her shirt in my mouth and smiled. "I know you boys Travis.. You want this. But you just don't want to admit it." She then started to strip more. I closed my eyes tight and started to try and pull off the cuffs. I was crying, and scream but I knew I wasn't getting out. Where is help when I need it?

I felt her hand on my waist band which scared me. Once again I started kicking and pleading. But it was all muffled. I felt her hands all over me. I felt disgusting. I'm absolutely disgusting. I told her to stop so many times.. But why she didn't listen.. Why wouldn't she listen? I told her to stop so many times. Why? Why.? Why would she do it.. I thought she cared.. After she finished using me she finally uncuffed me and left. I pulled my clothes back on and I sat in the corner of my room. Sobbing. Why?! Why the fuck would she do that. I was shaking violently when I heard a buzzing noise. I reached out and grabbed my phone. It was Sal. I clicked the answer button and put it up to my ear. "H-hello?" "Travis? Have you been crying?" "N-no why would you think that?" I wiped my wet face and let out a barely addable sigh. "I can hear it in your voice.. What happened?" I tried so hard to stay strong but I quickly broke. I'm so weak.. "Ivory.. she-she touched me... She touched me after I told her to stop... I'm so disgusting! I told her to stop but she wouldn't.! I'm so stupid. Stupid. Stupid." I started hitting my head with my palms. Causing small flashes of white lights in my vision. Sal went silent but I could hear his breathing. So he was still there.

"She did WHAT?!" I started to cry again once I heard Sal yell. He's disgusted. He hates me. He hates me so much. I started sobbing again which stopped Sal's yelling. "I'll be there in an hour" I sniffled and let out a small sound in agreement. He hung up and I felt more alone then I ever have. I dragged myself up and over to the restroom. I wanted to stop so much but it was like my body was on autopilot. I grabbed a blade from my drawer. I pulled up my sleeve and dragged it around my arms. It hurt so much. I didn't like the pain but it felt like the only way out. The only way I can leave this mess. I wrapped my arms and crawled into a ball on my bed. That's when I heard my door open. I felt myself tense up and started to tear up. "Hey kid." It was.. My mother "Ivory, your father, and I are going out to eat. You are to not leave this house. If you do then your in trouble."

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