Two Faced

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Travis's POV:
Sal had fallen asleep already but my body started to ache again. I had been pushing it aside so I could enjoy my time with Sal. But since we were both laying down, not doing anything, the pain was more apparent. Surprisingly though my stomach didn't hurt as bad as my wrists. I teared up as Sal started to snore softly. I finally started to feel myself coming off my high. I moved my hand that was Sal's stomach and moved it up his chest. I smiled at his scent. God, he was so cute. I once again began to block out the pain as my mind filled with thoughts. I know that I usually forget everything when I get off this high but I won't be forgetting tonight. What will my dad think if he was here?

I woke up soon after I fell asleep. I rubbed my head and sat up. Sal was laying on his stomach with his leg up. I smiled and laughed a little as his hair was crazy. I got up and stretched. I walked over to my bathroom. I opened my drawer to grab bandages. I then switched the ones on my arms and I looked around. I need to get dressed. I walked out and looked over at Sal. He was still asleep so I walked out and grabbed the same thing I wore the night before. I looked over the sleeves and there wasn't too much blood. I sighed and walked back to the restroom to wash my face. I then was startled by a loud alarm. I froze for a second when I heard "Travis! Travis, I have to go like now!"  I hurried to dry my face and walked out of the restroom.

I came out to see Sal struggling to put on his sweats. He slipped on his sweater and tripped to his shoes. He was clumsy "Yup got it. Let's get you home. Let's take my car." Sal then stood there for a second. "You have a car?" He asked with a dumbfounded face. "Well yeah. I can't drive it anywhere because then my father would find out." Sal came up to me and giggled. "Yeah I wanna see how careful you drive church boy" I flashed him a glare as I grabbed my backpack. Which was filled with trash.

"You really think I'm all safe and gently," I said as I looked over my shoulder with him. He tensed up and turned red. I laughed at his face and walked over to him. He started to stutter and fumble over his words as I reached out my hand. I then opened the desk drawer from behind him. I grabbed the car keys and smiled. I then decided to mess with him and I whispered in his ear. "I may be safe at day but when I'm alone with you I won't be gentle..." I heard a small shaky sigh escape Sal's mouth as I leaned back. I grabbed his prosthetic and climbed out the window. Sally slipped on his shoes and followed. "You can't just do that to me and leave." He whined as I jumped down. He looked at me than the ladder and started walking to the ladder. "Aw come on jump into my arms. I'll catch you." Sal looked at me and sighed. He then jumped and landed in my outspread arms. He giggled a little as I fixed my hands under him. I held bridal style and spun around. He laughed as I then started to run with him. I laughed with him as I got to my car. It was on the other side of the small alley beside our house. I unlocked the car and opened the back door. I gently tossed him in and got in the front.

"Hey, I wanna sit in the front!" I started the car and started driving. "Okay just hop seats." He did just that and then he plugged up his phone. "What does the goodie two shoes want to listen to?" I scoffed and thought for a minute. "Follow The Leader. The Korn album." Sal laughed and shuffled the playlist. Surprising the first song that played was 'Freak On a Leash'. My favorite from them. I started to sing to them with a smile. Sal and I talked about an artist like Korn and we started to stray away from Metal and McCafferty was brought up.

"Okay, Travy sense now were talking about McCafferty I have a very important question for you. What song do you relate to the most by them." Without a second thought, I knew which song, "Definitely Trees. There's absolutely no doubt about it."

I looked over at Sal and he looked absolutely confused. I realized that I probably just outed myself. I mean last night though... He obviously didn't remember, but he might've.. No no, he didn't. I stuttered out snapping him out of his thoughts, "O-or Alligator Skin Boots. What about you baby blue?" He thought for a second as he turned to the window. "I don't know. I kinda get Blue Eyes Like The Devils Water. But I don't really know I guess," I nodded as I saw the Addison Apartments.

//Scared but beautiful// Salvis FanficDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora