High Kisses

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Travis's POV:
I left the store and looked around. There was Larry's truck. It was right in the front. So if I went to walk home they'd see me. So I walked behind the store. I slid up my sleeve and unwrapped my hand I then dumped Hydrogen Peroxide all over the shitty wound. I then put all my stuff back in my backpack, letting the wound breathe. I crouched down and leaned against the wall. I pulled one of the boxes of cigarettes out and looked at it for a second. I then tore the plastic off and opened the box. These were the tickets to freedom. I shuffled through my bag to find a small pouch. There it is. I pulled it out with a smirk. I lit my cigarette with my Zippo. It was a Sanity's Fall Zippo. I spent like 179 dollars on it. It was one of a kind. Honestly, it was worth the money. There were two small switches. If I turned one then the lighter would have a pink flame and if I flicked it once more then it would be like a mini flame thrower. It was owned by the main singer. All band members used it. It was before the band was popular. I got it right when they dropped their first album. It was in the picture. It had all of their signatures on the bottom for proof that it was the real deal. I then pulled out a knife and started to cut the seal of the bag. I then took a big huff from my cigarette and I looked up and blew rings. I smiled as they slowly grew bigger.

I continued to fumble with the stupid packaging on the bag but I finally gave up and put it back in my bag. I looked up and start to blow more rings as I heard a ding from the door. I just rolled my eyes and continued to blow my rings. But I was startled by a loud voice. "Damn Church Boy. When'd you learn that?" He said that in such a menacing voice. It pissed me off. "None of your damn business flamer!" I heard him scoff and lean against the dumpster. "Damn I was just asking. Fucking baby." I looked over at him and saw a smirk carved on his face. I rolled my eyes and got up. "Say that louder. So everyone will know why I'm punching you." I pulled myself over to Larry. He opened his mouth to speak but I blew all the smoke into his mouth.

He started coughing. I guess it went straight to his throat. I stepped back and continued on my cigarette. I heard another ding echo through the quiet outside. The coughing subsided and Larry called out to Sal. I flinched and leaned back against the wall. Fuuuuuck Sally would be pissed that I lied to him. I let my cigarette fall to the floor before placing my foot on top of it. Sally walked over and looked at us. "He does smoke. The goodie two shoes baby smokes!" Larry snapped. He then decided to do the stupid thing and get in my face. I scoffed and rolled my eyes. "What's wrong Phelps? Can't talk anymore?" He pushed me by my shoulders and laughed. I couldn't hold it anymore. I punched his right in the face.

He stumbled back before looking pissed. He charged at me. He grabbed me by the throat and slammed me into the wall. I heard Sally Face yell at Larry. I put my hands on to his. I then quickly moved my hands and jabbed him in his eyes. He dropped me and rubbed his eyes. But before I could go anywhere he slapped me onto the ground. I held my left cheek and I felt it burn. Larry then straddled me and started punching my chest and face. I didn't know what to do. I just want to swallow the pain and lay there. But something stops me from giving up. He finally seized for a second. I took this opportunity to swing up and hit my head against his nose. His weight seemed to shift so I pulled myself out from under him and ran.

I heard Sal yell for me but I didn't want to turn around. I ran into the woods and stopped at our spot. She and I were almost always here. It was a small opening with a small pond. I just broke. I started sobbing. I couldn't help it. I felt so much pain. My hand, torso, head, everything. Everything balled up in my mind. I then started screaming. As loud as I could. It hurt too much not to. I let out all the pain. It hurt so much. Soon my phone went off. I looked at it to see an unknown number I answered the call and put it up to my ear. "Hello..?"

It was Sally Face. I smiled and sniffled. "Hey. What do you need.?" "Um.. are you okay.." I smiled a little bigger. "Yea I'm fine. Don't worry. How's Larry. I think I hit him a little too hard in the nose.." "He's okay. Just pissed" "Okay well I have to go. I just got home" I leaned back and lay in the grass. Sally quickly said bye and ended the call.

//Scared but beautiful// Salvis FanficDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora