The Perfect Gift (Techno and Tommy)(3/3)

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Tommy POV

Tommy didn't have to wonder where Techno went. There was only one place he would go. He sprinted towards the backyard, barely pausing before rushing into the woods. Techno's special place was the old bridge, just a little ways into the woods. 

Often, he would play his violin there or just listen to the woods  around him. It was a special place because of all the memories it held. It was where they had first bonded when Tommy was adopted. It was where they promised to have each other's backs. It was the place that held their bond stronger than anywhere else.

And just as Tommy had assumed, he spotted Techno leaning on the bridge. He paused, gripping the gift in his hand. Taking a deep breath, he slowly approached the pinkette. "Techno?" he called, not wanting to scare him.

Techno didn't spare him a glance, keeping his eyes glued to the rushing stream. He took a deep breath, trying to hide his sniffing. "Leave me alone." he murmured.

The blonde bit his lip, again glancing towards his gift. "Can I at least give you your gift? I worked really hard on it..." he began, hoping to tug at Techno's soft spot for him.

Techno sighed, finally turning to look at his little brother. His eyes were red and puffy, but Tommy said nothing. He simply handed the gift to Techno and went to leave. But Techno stopped him. "You can stay..." 

Tommy smiled, turning back to face the older. Techno began to tear away at the paper, making Tommy's heart race. It was the moment of truth. The pinkette paused as soon as he saw what it was. Tommy watched his face carefully, shocked to find his eyes filling with tears. "I'm sorry I thought you would like it-"

But Techno cut him off, tackling him in a hug. He held him close, gripping his shirt tightly. "I love it so much." he whispered, burying his face in Tommy's shoulder. "Thank you."

Tommy was stunned as he hugged back. "You do?" 

"This is the best gift I have ever gotten." he finally pulled back, wiping his tears away. He looked back down at the painting, smiling. The gift was so simple, but held so much meaning.

It was a painting of the two of them standing on the bridge. Both of them were laughing, their arms wrapped around each other. It was the first memory they had ever made together. Written above it were the words, You're my hero, Love your little brother.

Reading those words, Techno nearly burst into tears again.

"Just don't tell Wil. I have to wait until his birthday to give him his." Tommy smiled, running a hand through his hair.

"So I'm not your only hero?" Techno nudged him playfully, chuckling.

"Technically I have three. Your birthday was just the first one." the blonde admitted. He looked up at the older, grinning when he saw the smile on his face. "I guess it wasn't a good day to surprise you."

Techno sighed, his smile dropping. "It was just a rough day at work." He leaned over the railing slightly, enjoying the slight breeze. "But you made it a whole lot better."

"Well I make everything better." 

Techno laughed, wrapping an arm around the younger. "I hate to admit your right... but you are."

Tommy grinned back. "So... wanna head back to the party then?"

"Yeah, I guess I probably should." the pinkette admitted. He couldn't but sigh. "That's going to be awkward."

"Well I'll be with you. And as you said I make everything better." the blonde quoted cheekily.

Techno smirked, rolling his eyes. But he couldn't hide the smile on his face. "Come on." The duo headed back towards the house, grateful to have each other.

It was the perfect gift for Techno after all.


I have a question for everyone. Would anyone be interested if I started a discord channel for everyone? I'm just wondering! Let me know!


Hope you liked it!

This is the end of this oneshot!

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Hope you have a wonderful day!


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