The Party Before (Tommy)(2/2)

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Tommy POV

As soon as Tommy stepped into the party, he immediately understood Wilbur's worry. It only took one step for him to smell the stench of alcohol. Looking around, he could feel his palms begin to sweat. He knew there would be drinking, but this was excessive.

 Before he could think twice, he heard a familiar voice above the crowd. "Tommy! Over here!" Tommy bit his lip as he spotted his friend from the phone. He could barely recognize him with his glazed over look. Nevertheless, he headed towards the teen.

"Hey, sorry I won't be able to stay for long." the blonde ran a hand through his hair. He wanted to make sure he could leave whenever he wanted.

"You just got here man!" his friend giggled, raising his cup up. "Can I get you something?"

Tommy gulped, shaking his head. He couldn't erase the bad feeling that engulfed his chest. "No thanks." His eyes drifted back across the crowd. Maybe this wasn't going to be as cool as he thought it was.

"Are you sure?" the question was thrown at him, laced with temptation. 

The blonde again shook his head firmly. He quickly turned away from his friend, avoiding the repeated question. He made his way across the room, slowly finding his way into the next room over. Skidding to a halt, he found more of his friends sitting in a circle. His eyes widened when he realized what they were doing. But before he could escape, he heard a voice.

"Tommy! It's about time you got here!" a brunette giggled, spinning the bottle in the middle of the group. "Why don't you come join us?"

Immediately the blonde sighed, really not wanting to . But one glare from the girl allowed him to comply. He slid into the spot beside his friend, looking around nervously. The game continued as usual, with the bottle spinning and landing on each person. Each time a pair of people got up, Tommy's skin began to crawl.

His hand gripped his phone, wanting nothing more than to beg his brothers to come save him. But he didn't, deciding that he was simply overreacting. 

That was until the bottle finally landed on him.

Immediately his blood ran cold as the lustful eyes fell on him. "I-I'm not really playing..." he began, stumbling over his own words. 

"Oh come on Tommy! Don't be lame!" the girl smirked, beginning to crawl towards him.

Tommy stumbled to his feet, his heart beginning to race. "I'm not comfortable with this." The girl didn't hear him, or at least she didn't care. One more step was all it took for Tommy to race towards the bathroom. He had never been so relieved in all his life to find it empty. His hands fumbled for his phone.

Someone began knocking on the door, shouting words that he couldn't understand. They're drunk, he noted. He quickly dialed his brother's number, his hands beginning to tremble. This is not at all what he had expected.

Wilbur picked up almost instantly. "Tommy? Are you okay?" Tommy could hear the concern laced in his voice. He had never been so relieved.

"Please come pick me up." he begged, trying to keep his voice from shaking. The knocking continued, making him only panic more. "Please hurry." he pleaded, attempting to ignore the shouting.

"We're on our way!" Wilbur exclaimed, clearly rushing around as he tried to get ready. Voices came through the phone, too quick to understand. And then there was the sound of a car starting and a new voice came through.

 "What's going on Toms?" Techno's monotone voice came through the speaker. His usual emotionless tone was suddenly strained.

"I didn't want to play Tech! But I-" Tommy stopped again, his hands tugging at his hair. "I should have just listened to you guys! What was I thinking?" He buried his face in his hands.

"Hey calm down. We're almost there." the older reassured, secretly telling Wilbur to drive faster.

Tommy could only pray he was telling the truth. He watched as the door handle began to budge and more voices were heard. What if they had a key? What was he going to do? He didn't want to play their stupid game. He just wanted to go home. Before he knew it, he could feel the tears falling down his face.

"We're here Tommy!" Wilbur's voice yelled, followed by the sound of a car door slamming. 

Tommy could feel the weight slowly being pulled off his shoulders. He's brothers were going to save him. In that moment he didn't care what his friends thought. He just wanted to go home.

He heard the door open and suddenly he was in familiar arms. He was safe. He didn't need to look to know it was Wilbur. He could recognize that sweater anywhere. 

"You're okay, we're here Toms. We're here." the brunette whispered, holding him tighter. Tommy gripped his sweater as tightly as he could. Safety was all he wanted to feel in that moment. "Let's go home." his brother whispered in his ear.

Tommy nodded, allowing the older to pull him to his feet. Wilbur's arms never let him go as he slowly guided him out of the house. The blonde kept his eyes shut, not wanting to see the glares. Just as they were about to step out of the house, Tommy heard the shouting.

"How dare you try to pressure my little brother into anything! You have no right to make him uncomfortable! Don't think I won't teach you all a lesson again! And if any of you dare say something about tonight, I will come to your house in the middle of the night and rip you apart. And trust me, I'll know! Mark my words!" 

Wilbur chuckled beside him, opening the car door and helping Tommy inside. The blonde missed the brunette's touch as soon as he moved to get in the driver's seat. Another arm grabbed him and suddenly Techno was there, inviting him into a warm embrace.

Techno held him close, apologizing to him. The car slowly began to pull out of the driveway. Tommy could feel his eyelids getting heavier and heavier. 

"Get some rest Toms, we've got you." Techno whispered.

And with that, Tommy allowed himself to sleep.


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This is the end of this oneshot! 

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Hope you have a wonderful day!


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