Sick Day

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This is a pretty simple chapter, Link is sick and blah blah blah. I'm writing such a boring chapter because I need to finish this and then sleep so it's gotta be simple so sorry bout that I hope you enjoy it though!!!

Links POV:

Monday (yes I skipped some days)

I felt like I just broke my ribs, I felt like I was going to throw up my own guts. I felt like shit. I was planning on going to school but I guess that backfired, I randomly got sick last night. I usually would be happy about this but I didn't this time. I wanted to go, I really wanted to go. I didn't want to be stuck with my Parents. So I forced myself out of bed and stumbled everywhere. I barely got dressed and stumbled to the door. Revali was waiting for me, that made me happy.

"Link!" He walked over to me once I got down the stairs. I must have looked as sick as I felt because he noted it.


"Hm?" He chuckled like I just said a joke, and started to push me back to my house.

"Revali! What are you doing!?"

"You're sick you have to stay home." I didn't want to go back.

"No! I don't wanna deal with that today." He stopped pushing me and sighed.

"Then you're staying at my house my parents aren't even home." His house was somewhat far away.

"What but you'll be late." He was already dragging me to his house, practically holding me, I felt so tired.

"Awwwww~ you do care." I smiled at him, he looked annoyed.

"Shut up or I'm turning back." The whole walk he was pretty much holding me, we arrived at his house, and he softly placed me onto his soft bed.

"Damn you never told me how soft your bed was." He scoffed, and seemed to be moving something around.

"Ok, I'm going to make food, don't try and move." I gave him a thumbs up and he left. I smiled to myself, he really did care about me. I always thought he hated me, and that he would never even want to talk to me ever again, or even if he did it would be kind of like what Ganondorf did. Actually I was very surprised on how Ganondorf reacted to Revali, how did REVALI get that name?

Revali's POV:

I skurried around the kitchen making anything I thought of. Mipha knew everything about health care, but no one knew I did as well. I actually knew maybe more than Mipha. Just by how he acted, he was dehydrated, and had a mild flu. I got everything that would help with that and walked back into the room. Link was standing up and about to walk out the door, I put everything down.

"Link! What do you think you're doing!?" He started walking.

"I'm going to school." I groaned, and technically hugged him so he would stay still.

"You're not going to school you idiot." I heard him sigh in defeat and he sat back down, which I let go of him. I reached to get the food and gave it to him.

"You're gonna be late to school Revali." I chuckled and thought he was joking but he wasn't.

"What? No I'm not going to school." He groaned again and lay down, I sat on the floor in front of the bed for the whole day bored out of my mind, but I had to make sure he was alright.  

Mipha's POV:

I hadn't seen Revali or Link all day which was unusual, I sat down at the table and looked at my phone.

Mipha- Revali?

Revali- What do you want?

Mipha- Do you know where Link is? And why aren't you at school?

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 11, 2022 ⏰

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