I Wish He Told Us.

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Mipha's POV:

Saturday (ignore the fact I skipped Friday)

I was walking over to Zelda's house, we usually would meet up at Revali's house but he insisted on going to Zelda's.

"Mipha! Your the first one here." I smiled at Zelda, and she invited me inside. It was clean, someone who I think was her mother was on the couch.

"Ah! Hello, I've heard lots about you!" She stood up and walked over to us. Zelda closed the door behind us.

"Oh! Hello, I'm Mipha." She shook my hand.

"I'm Zelda's mother, Saria." I nodded and smiled at her.

"I heard about your little double date skeam today." She whispered, I giggled and looked at Zelda.

"Don't mention it to them!" Zelda said, Saria stood up right again and smiled at us. I guessed that her father wasn't home. We heard a knocked on the door, Zelda answered it.

"Link, Revali!" They both came in at the same time, Link smiled, Revali looked annoyed for some reason, but again I shook it off. We left for the restaurant and sat down at a booth, Me and Zelda sat next to eachother.

"This is nice huh?" Zelda said, Link and Revali looked at her.

"Oh, yeah...why did we come here? It's very fancy." Revali said, I looked at Zelda in a panic.

"Oh! Just cause." She smiled nervously. Before Revali could question it even more Link blurted something out.

"Mm!! They have sushi Mipha!" I jumped, and looked at the menu, they actually did have Sushi.

"How are you able to like sushi that much? It's raw fish." Revali said, I scoffed.

"It's delicious!" Revali rolled his eyes and picked the menu up.

Revali's POV:

I didn't plan on telling them, they couldn't change anything. I could have gotten my parents not to move but for some reason I didn't. I think it was mostly because I thought Link and Zelda were a thing so I just gave up, but even now Link never would think for a second the same I do. We ordered some drinks, and then our food. I had some chicken, Mipha and Zelda got Sushi, and Link ordered some pasta. Mipha cleared her throated.

"Uh...can we tell you two something?"  I put my cup down and looked up at Mipha. She looked very happy, I didn't understand why though. Link nodded.

"Me and Zelda are dating, we both figured out our feelings were mutual and it went on from there." I was happy for them, but I also realized something.

"Wait, did you two try and set this up as a double date?" I said, it sounded so stupid but I knew both of them. I didn't look at Link, but I felt him staring at me.

"Well you both-" Before Zelda finished, I started to have so many feelings of Anger, and guilt. They didn't know.

"No!" I didn't wanna hear it, I knew I had to leave and I didn't want to be sad about it. I slammed on the table and got up.

"I don't even care about any of you! I'm leaving Monday and I hope I never come back." I walked out of the restaurant in a hurry. I didn't mean that but I couldn't seem weak. The real reason I was going to move was because my parents have to watch over an old Rito friend, once he got better or died, I was moving back. Once I got outside I felt tears fill my eyes, I kept walking.

"Revali!" I groaned and wiped my tears, it was Mipha.

"Why can't you just leave me alone!?" She looked at me surprised and looked like she was about to cry.

"What the fuck is wrong with you!?" That was the first time Mipha had raised her voice at me and probably anyone.

"What do you mean you don't care!? And why didn't you tell us!!??" She was yelling loudly and it stunned me.

"I don't care about you or anyone in that restaurant. I'm leaving Monday." She started sobbing, she looked down at her feet.

"Your a fucking liar!!" She yelled, I was stunned but before I was able to even answer I felt her slap me, hard.

"I'm never forgiving you! You backstabbing Archer!" She looked so angry, I'd never seen her like this, she walked away from me leaving me stunned. I touched where she slapped me on my face, I walked off like nothing happened. I was so guilty but I just kept thinking about Mipha yelling, she never yelled, and she barely sweared. It made me feel the worst.

Zelda's POV:

Revali walked out of the doors. Link looked like he was about to cry.

"Stay here." Mipha said firmly and then ran after him. I got up and sat next to Link.

"See? I told you." He smiled while tears ran down his face. I hugged him tightly, he began to sob.

"Hey hey, it's okay you'll find someone way better than him. He didn't even mean it I promise." I ment the Promise, he didn't mean it. Link backed up from our hug and smiled.

"Your right." He calmed down and our food came, I wondered where Mipha was. She walked back in and looked calm.

"Are you okay Link?" Link nodded and smiled, which seemed to make Mipha feel better.

"Now...about you two." I sat back over to the other side and so did Mipha. I giggled.

"Oh shut up." The rest of the time was actually better than I thought it would be. Link seemed to be alright and he was still smiling and Laughing. I still wondered why Revali had said that though.

Urbosa's POV:

I paced around my house, Daruk was eating some pastries I made.

"Calm down Urbosa!" He stood up and put his hand on my shoulder. I groaned and sat down to eat as well.

"What if-" I was cut off by the doorbell ringing. I ran to the door and opened it, it was Saria!

"Saria? What are you doing here?" She smiled warmly at me.

"Daruk invited me over for some Cookies." I looked over at Daruk, he was grinning.

"Oh! Alright come in." She sat Infront of Daruk.

"You look troubled Urbosa, is everything alright?" I nodded and sat next to Daruk. Sarias mood changed, she sighed and cleared her throat.

"Uhm...my daughter went to a restaurant today and well." I peaked my head up, Daruk did as well.

"Apparently Revali her friend wasn't very nice I guess he said he didn't care about them." I turned to Daruk, and then back to Saria.

"Saria, it's alright. I know all of them and they will come together again, I promised you." She smiled warmly at me.

"You are very sweet Urbosa, thank you." She sighed in relief, and then giggled to herself.

"Remember in Sophomore year when we went out to eat?" I chuckled, that was out first date but she didn't put it like that, probably because Daruk was here.

"Yes! I loved that day." Her face seemed to light up, Daruk nudged me.

"You loved it..?" I looked back up at her.

"Of course! It was amazing." She smiled, and than took a cookie. Saria stayed there for a while and then left, Daruk stayed though.

"Nice flirting." I snapped my head at him and shoved him, he chuckled.

Okay so cringe like I said but next chapter will have like a 3 year time skip so just wait. I HOPE YOU ALL ENJOYED!!!

Word Count: 1277

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