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This is gonna be like mostly Ganondorf being a bitch and stuff so YEAJ ENJOY


Links POV:

I woke.up extremely early so I didn't bother stopping at Purah's house. The door in the soccer field would be unlocked so I didn't have to worry about being outside for so long. I walked through the gate and onto the soccer field I was about to walk to the door, until I felt something shove me into the metal gate behind me, I hit my head hard and fell to the group.

"What the fuck!?" Ganondorf stood above me, with a smirk on his face. Usually this didn't happen because I was with someone but I was alone.

"I see you're all alone again, huh little Linky?" I tried to get up but he grabbed me by the collar. I spat at his face.

"Leave me alone." He started laughing, and banged my head on the wall again, then punched me in the face, making me fall again. He was so annoying, I always had to go to Urbosa's Office right after this. He was about to punch me again, I closed my eyes and waited, but I heard him punch someone else.

"Get out of my way idiot." I opened my eyes, Revali was in front of me, he started to back away from him, I got back up.

"Go fuck your self Ganondorf." Revali got punched again, which I expected, he turned and grabbed my hand before he could get punched again. He dragged me into the hallway, and ran to Urbosa's Office, Ganondorf still running after us, but he stopped when we went to Urbosa's Office.

"Hm? OH HYLIA!" Revali panted, and then looked back up at me worried.

"Are-" He paused to catch his breath.

"Are you alright?" Revali was the one bleeding.

"Is he alright? Revali! Your bleeding for Hylia's sake!" Revali chuckled.

"I'm fine, Link are you ok?" Urbosa got up from her chair and went into the back. I was still stunned at what just happened.

"What? Revali! Yes I'm perfectly fine why'd you do that you're an idiot!" Urbosa came back out, and tended to where he was bleeding. I smiled to myself as we walked down the hall.

"Ok so you've got to catch me up with why Ganondorf hates you." I looked over at him and giggled.

"After you left in my sophomore year he just saw me as a target, Purah always said it was because I never did anything about it." I heard Revali chuckled and then sigh.

"Yeah I'm...sorry." I was surprised at how he apologized for some reason.


"I'm sorry for what happened at the restaurant I shouldn't have reacted that way." I sighed, and held his hand.

"I'm still mad you didn't tell us, but I think I'll forgive you." I thought he would swat my hand away but he just let it be. So we just walked to our classes while holding hands. I don't think Revali really thought about it but I knew that I was overjoyed that he just held my hand, I was trying to Flirt and I couldn't tell if it worked.

Revali's POV:

I was walking to the lunch room. Link held my hand! Holy shit, was he flirting? I hope he was, why do I hope he was? WHAT!? Before I could yell at myself in confusion I heard Mipha call out to me.

"Revali!" I turned around, she walked up to me with a smile.

"Hey! Sorry for slapping you." I chuckled.

"I deserved it. But hey! I'm happy for you and Zelda." She giggled and patted my shoulder, we sat where we did the day before. I sat next to Link. Zelda started to ask Purah about something.

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