I'm Still Mad

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Zelda's POV:

3 years after
Senior year (Monday)

I walked to Purahs house and waited there.

"BOO!!" Mipha jumped onto me from behind, which made me jump and then laugh. Link was behind her, Mipha pecked me on the lips, and then looked at my hair.

"I like your new haircut!" I had cut my hair yesterday after school, it was getting long and annoying.

"Thank you!" I smiled at her, Robbie came up behind Link and waved at us then went up to the door to knock.

"OW! Hylia Purah! You hit my nose." I heard Robbie say, Purah had slammed the door open all week.

"LINKY!" She ran down the stairs to Link.

"Purah! Be careful!" Impa said, Impa is a freshman, and Purah and Robbie are seniors, but Purah acts like a 6 year old.

"I'm still not eating the frog Purah." Link said with his arms crossed, Purah groaned, and then turned to me and Mipha.

"Hi love birds, Zelda how's Lab going?" Impa and Robbie came up behind us and we started walking.

"Purah, we have Lab together." Purah was skipping and looking in this book.

"I know! Can I not ask how it's going?" I sighed and kept walking. We had been in school for only a month so far but some how Purah was already annoying. Impa started to walk backwards.

"I heard we're getting a new student." Impa said, Purahs face lit up.

"Do you think he'll eat Fredrick?" Fredrick was the frog that supposedly made people stronger.

"Uh Purah...I don't think anyone will eat the Frog." Robbie started walking backwards as well. Purah slouched, disappointed.

"MIPHA!" Mipha jumped.

"Uh, yeah?" Purah walked up to Mipha with a wide smile.

"Will you eat Fredrick?" Link slapped his forehead, Mipha looked nervous.

"Uh, I'm gonna have to decline, but Zelda can take the frog, she's into Biology!" Purah looked over to me, I groaned knowing what she would say next.

"Zelda! Can you eat Fredrick?" I sighed and walked faster past Purah, dragging Mipha with me.

"How is she still asking people to eat a frog?" Impa said, Mipha giggled.

"I don't even know how she keeps it alive!" Link caught up with us not wanting to be stuck with Purah.

"Hey! I take care of Fredrick!!" Purah ran up to the rest of us.

"But you want people to eat him?" Mipha asked, Purah was silent for the rest of the walk. I walked into Lab for my first class with Purah and Robbie.

"I'm so excited!!!!" Purah practically yelled, Robbie motioned her to quiet down.

"The new student is in this class!" She squealed and skipped to put usual lab table. Robbie went over to a cabinet to get some glass bottles.

"Who do you think it'll be?" I shrugged and put my Lab Coat on.

"I heard a rumor he went here a couple years ago." Robbie said walking past us to get water into the bottles.

"Really? Huh, that's weird, if anything Ganondorf is gonna ruin his life." Purah laughed at her own joke, and put a coat on. Ganondorf was one of the most popular people in school, he hated us, but Purah delt with that most of the time.

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