37. when you do something you're afraid of (maknae line)

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- when i have to split chapters bc they're half done and I need to keep yall fed 😔 -


-"you're funny if you think I'm boutta go swimming with sharks"

- yall were touring Fiji (the amount of research I put into this is so unnecessary) and a big recommendation by the locals was to go swimming. with sharks. 

- "I mean we came all this way. We might as well try..."

- Judges you in silence because of the uncertainty in your voice.

- "ok ok. let's just go. even if we don't actually do it, i'll be proud of us for at least making it to the location"

- you couldn't do it. 

- "WHAT DO YOU MEAN 'YOU GO'????? WHAT MAKES YOU THINK I COULD DO IT WHEN YOU CAN'T??" practically screams as you push him forward.

- none of you could do it. 

- "you still 'proud'?" he said as he ate some fried chicken at a nearby food place.

- "no that was just sad to look at. and you were attracting too much attention while screaming."


- "fine go. if you shit your pants because you can't even get up there, it's not my fault."

- this is what he said after you tried to convince him to go bungee jumping with you despite your fear of heights.

-obviously having done this before and knowing how hard it is he does not expect you to follow through with your idea.


- he stared in shock at the site. it being way taller than the one he's been on before (pretend they're in Macau because I want them to wonho this jump. the one that won has been on is only a meter shorter than the tallest one in SK. again I did my research for no reason. but anyways that's no fun so they're in Macau. also, pretend it's not 2K+ to jump. everything is expensive in this world guys 😔💔)

- "yea well. I'm serious about this. so we're doing it."

- so, comes the day when you guys acc get to do it and you freeze. twice. once on the elevator up and again when you see just how high you are.

- "you go first, jungwon. you did it before so I wanna know how its done..."

- falls for it and jumps. his legs felt like jelly afterward because of how high it was. 

- you meet him at the bottom without jumping. he obviously got upset but that's just one more thing he can make fun of you about.


- the dreaded slingshot. 

- it was practically the only thing in the entire park no one could convince you to ride.  that and the other super high rides. but rather focus on one than the whole thing, right?

- "you can't run away now, y/n. we're already on the line! Look how many people are behind us. It'll take ages to get back to this spot if we leave right now."

- mf was practically whining when you decided you could use some more soda. 

- "yea but my so-"

- "you're up." shit. The worker had motioned the two of you to get on the ride following the two people who had just come down.

- riki drags you on the ride while you get yourself buckled up. triple checking each belt and the piece that secures around your torso. 

- "are you ready, y/n?" he was practically beaming right now. whereas you were screaming, crying, dying on the inside. barely managing to choke out a no.

- and then it started. to sum it all up, you screamed so much that you lost your voice halfway and had to go throw up right after. 

✄ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

BYE OK SO Y/N ACC DOES IT IN THE FIRST AND LAST ONE. JUST SO SHE ISNT A COMPLETE COWARD IN EACH ONE. also quick story. i went to KFC today and ordered two 4 piece chicken tender combos. at first, they only gave me one combo and i had to ask for the other so my friend wouldn't starve. THEN, we open our box thingies and discover they gave us TWO WHOLE PECHUGAS (chicken breasts) EACH AND TWO WHOLE WINGS. AND THEY WEREN'T EVEN COOKED WELL. in the end, we did not go back and ask for a refund and we did not finish our food. it was so bad. ik you aren't supposed to waste food but if you knew how bad it tasted, you wouldn't wanna eat it either. anyways byeeeee. hopefully, i will have time to update this book soon. when i get like another idea. IM STARTING TO FEEL THE NEED TO WRITE A FULL IMAGINE NOW BC JUST REACTIONS ISNT CUTTING IT. but at the same time, I have zero inspo. but now I'm keeping yall too long so byeeee.

written: 7/23-24/22

word count: 853

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