A Nursery Chap.30

Start from the beginning

Luke smiled, "We did It!"

he jumped up and gave Beelzebub a high five, Simeon then felt his D.D.D Vibrate and he took It out to check, Asmodeus had texted and asked if the surprise was ready

Simeon: Yep It's all ready

Asmodeus: Yay! Okey we'll bring your wife back In just a bit

Simeon smiled with a nod, putting his D.D.D away as he let the others know you were coming back, Simeon thanked everyone and Lucifer quickly ushered his brothers out of Purgatory Hall

Luke went to sit down, "oh I can't wait, I hope she'll like It"

just then there was a knock at the door, Simeon went to go answer and he saw you 

he smiled, "Welcome home my Lamb,did you have nice time?"

you smiled, "yes, Asmo even painted my nails for me, he and Belphie couldn't stay they said they had some shopping to do"

Simeon came to your side and helped you as you walked inside, and Luke got up as he came to carefully give you a hug, "Welcome home!"

"Thank you Luke"

you bent down to hug him back, before he had a bright smile on his face 

you giggled, "what's wrong? did something happen"

Simeon held your hand, "well, My sweet there's something I have to show you"

you held his hand back, Simeon then told you to close your eyes and you did as told, before he guided you to follow him, and once In the room Luke switched on the lights 

Simeon smiled, "Open your eyes"

you then opened your eyes, letting out a gasp at the wonderful nursery that you saw (Pretend It's dark outside, we're In the Devildom after all)

you then opened your eyes, letting out a gasp at the wonderful nursery that you saw (Pretend It's dark outside, we're In the Devildom after all)

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you walked further as you placed a hand to your chest, a smile coming to your face 

"darling...It's beautiful, did you do this?"

"I got the Idea, but I can't take all the credit Lucifer and the others helped as well"

you smiled, "I'll be sure to call the others later to thank them too"

you hugged him and he wrapped his arms around you, you rested your head against his chest

you then giggled, "I'm guessing Asmo and Belphie were In on this too?"

Simeon smiled, "Yes, but they also wanted to hang out with you too so that wasn't a lie, though our daughter isn't here yet they already adore her"

you touched your stomach, smiling gently "she's already so loved, and has not only a wonderful father, but wonderful Uncles too"

Simeon rubbed your stomach, you then exchanged smiles before he kissed your forehead,

you then realized, "Simeon, what'll we name her?"

Simeon smiled, "I've been thinking about that too, but there's still plenty of time to decide"

you nodded, "you're right, maybe It'll come to us soon"

Luke came over, hugging your bump "well, I think my sister should have an Angel name"

"that would be nice, but a human name wouldn't hurt either" said Simeon

you walked over to the bassinet, reaching down as you felt how soft It was, you then started feeling a little emotion was over and some tears came to your eyes, before a few rolled down your cheeks and Simeon noticed, he touched your cheek "what's wrong love?"

you smiled warmly, "nothing, I'm just so happy"

Simeon smiled, he placed his hands atop yours, "so am I, sometimes I still wonder how I got lucky like this, to have you and now our daughter"

you touched foreheads, you giggled as you nuzzled noses with Simeon before you kissed.

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